Sentences with phrase «whereas in group plans»

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They will often plan things out, they'll be very thoughtful in the way they do it, whereas a boy group, for example, on the same challenge might actually just go ahead, make the thing and then think about it later.
The offensive group needs to wreck the enemy base whereas the protective crew wishes to plan on a appropriate shielding strategy in order to sustain the enemy attack.
Whereas, in group policies the individual has no choice but to accept the predefined plan that the company chooses.
Whereas these groups had formalised an alliance in the mid-1990s, which successfully lobbied for land rights and the return of country to traditional owners in Cape York, they split in the late 2000s over how to regulate planning on that country.
Both planned (i.e. weekly or monthly telephone calls to support the patients with chronic disease) and unscripted telephone coaching interventions appear to be effective for improving self - management skills in people from vulnerable groups: the planned telephone coaching services had the advantage of regular contact and helping people develop their skills over time, whereas the unscripted services allowed the coach to tailor support to the patient's individual needs.
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