Sentences with phrase «which seems like no big deal»

Which seems like no big deal if you don't realize that the homing missile can move through obstacles, making it utterly unique among homing missiles.

Not exact matches

The fiduciary requirement, which will be implemented next year, may not seem like a big deal.
Admittedly, that someone you've probably never met is able to affirm a scientific theory which most of the Western world takes for granted may not seem like that big of a deal.
The patio will be opening in warm weather, which is where I would opt for a meal with my toddler Isaiah, because spills and poignant yelps do not seem like such a big deal outdoors.
To the untrained eye (which most are unless medically trained), this may not seem like such a big deal.
[About] three days later they said «Okay now, which of these things did you actually see», and I couldn't tell whether I had seen them in person or if I had seen them in a photograph, and that doesn't really seem like a big deal except that if you can put something in somebody's head through a photograph and make them think they saw it, that really calls in to question the value of an eye witness.
A big group makes it easier to catch fish, which seems like a good deal, but there's a downside to social life too.
«Even though it doesn't seem like such a big deal, sleeping with makeup on, especially around the eyes, leads to low level chronic inflammation and irritation, which brings inflammatory molecules to your cells,» explains Dr. Jessica Krant, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in New York.
I really enjoy the taste and it seems like my cravings are definitely less that they were before (which is a big deal).
Knowing which colours clash and which colors complement each other might not seem like a big deal, but it can actually make all the difference between a terrible outfit and on that really pops!
I know it doesn't seem like a big deal, but I used to post three times per week and the past few months that had fallen by the wayside (which I'm sure you've noticed), so I'm extremely happy to be getting back into the swing of things!
It's still 8.5 % of gross income, though, which to me (especially as someone just starting out), still seems like a big deal.
Just makes no sense... this game, Assassin's Creed Origin's, seems like a marketing / PR campaign than developers just bragging about new hardware (which these graphics have been possible for years on PC so what's even the big deal?).
After all, it would seem natural for CD Projekt Red to strike a deal with one of the big companies like Microsoft or Sony, which have their presentations during E3.
While this might not seem like a big deal, if you empirically estimate climate sensitivity at say 1.78 (which is what I've been getting), when you take the 20 - year delay into account it jumps dramatically to 2.61.
It might not seem like it, but the display on the Moto 360 Sport is a big deal here, as it features Motorola's AnyLight technology, making it the first smartwatch to feature a hybrid screen which can adapt to the amount of natural light around it.
For me, it's more about communication with contractors, which, while it may not seem like a big deal, would likely save me a LOT of money every year.
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