Sentences with phrase «while obese men»

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Followers of Rabbi Hillel held that the Law allowed a man to divorce his wife for almost anything that displeased him --- burning the toast, a wart on her chin, growing obesewhile the followers of Rabbi Shammai held that the offense must be serious, like committing adultery.
Underweight men scored slightly lower than those with healthy weights, while women reported being significantly less happy when they were obese.
While advantages in PFS and OS emerged in an overall meta - analysis of the entire group, the survival benefit associated with obesity was restricted to men treated with targeted or immunotherapies, where obese men had a 47 percent decreased risk of death compared to men with normal BMI.
Additionally, a smaller proportion of African American men had health insurance, identified as current drinkers and reported heart disease than their white counterparts, while a larger proportion of African American men in the national sample were physically inactive, obese, and reported fair / poor health, hypertension and diabetes.
He and his team of researchers conducted a study on obesity and found that the average obese woman gets the equivalent of about one hour of exercise per year, while the average obese man gets about 3.6 hours of exercise per year.
While our current understanding of why the ketogenic diet impacts pain is low, there may be a connection to this dietary plan's ability to improve the management and metabolism of cortisol.15 Stimson R. H., et al. «Dietary macronutrient content alters cortisol metabolism independently of body weight changes in obese men
Colon, rectum, and prostate cancer rates are higher in obese men, while obese women have increased risks of cancer of the breast, cervix, uterus, ovary and gallbladder.
On their first day together, the two respond to a call about an obese man whose stomach burst while being force - fed can after can after tomato sauce; later, the word «SLOTH» is discovered on the wall behind his refrigerator.
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