Sentences with phrase «while process thinkers»

While process thinkers are in sympathy with these critiques, their focus is different.
Evangelicals are likely to find it too general to be helpful while process thinkers will hesitate to accept it as a description if there is no recognition of the metaphysical necessity of both diversity and unity.
Thus, while process thinkers and evangelicals may both be able to claim with integrity that, through Jesus Christ, we can overcome our human «hostility to God's aims» and be «reunited with God,» for evangelicals this is true only because God became human, died and rose again — that is, because God unilaterally intervened in the most direct manner possible in earthly affairs.

Not exact matches

On the one hand, process philosophers have made important advances under the inspiration of the writings of Alfred North Whitehead, while on the other a group of thinkers has pursued the developmental implications of the classical Christian doctrine of God as Trinity.1 Normally these two discussions proceed with little cognizance of or interaction with one another.
Although Whitehead never credits Bergson explicitly with these insights, it is clear that thinkers within a process framework are the ones who are obliged to come up with a solution to this sort of problem, while more traditional thinkers do not often or ever worry about the ways in which the intellect distorts reality by subsuming it in a spatialized conceptual scheme, or how the concrete process of thinking is distinct from thought.
The difference between process historical thinkers and most other empiricists may be analogous to the difference between Neils Bohr and Albert Einstein: while both are empiricists, Bohr sees physical change as a function of unrepeatable quantum events, while Einstein sees change as a function of enduring relativity principles.
While I am not aware of significant discussions of this issue among process thinkers, Matthew Fox and Brian Swimme, who though not directly influenced by process thought nonetheless share the relational vision, have incorporated elements of this, particularly through the use of art, in their own education process in order to stimulate the «right» brain, the intuitive and imaginative capacities of the human mind.
While it is easiest to grasp the prius of creativity - esse in the human case, a process metaphysics sees at least a faint glimmer of subjectivity (which for process thinkers does not imply consciousness!)
While Wieman was certainly a process thinker in the broad sense, his use of the key terms «process» and «creativity» was often very different from Whitehead's.
Empirical, speculative, and rationalistic process thinkers differ, we suspect, on the nature of this dimension of experience, the proper ways of analyzing it, and in their conclusions concerning what can be accomplished by referring to this level of experience While all turn to this depth dimension of life, it is not clear that the «deep empiricism» of the rationalists, which yields universal and necessary truths, is the same as that form of «radical empiricism» whose adherents focus on the particular and the contingent.
Fully aware that language shapes reality, the very way in which process thinkers use the word «shape» instead of «determine» is deliberate, attempting to show that while partially molded by the totality of the environment, any entity is also an instance of creativity.
Learning preference, in the case of questions posed to the whole class, refers to how some students prefer to silently process the content, keeping their own counsel (Internal Thinkers), while others prefer to talk or express their thinking with an audience as a sounding board (External Thinkers).
After: Creative thinker with 12 - year track record successfully mitigating risks while reducing costs, improving operational processes and increasing profitability.
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