Sentences with phrase «while processed foods»

While processed foods offer great convenience, our pets» digestive tracts are still designed for fresh food.
Whole foods, such as fresh fruit, vegetables and meat, are also easier to keep in proper portions, while processed foods, such as candy, juice drinks and refined grains, are easy to consume in amounts that are too large.
While processed foods can be harmful to your body, other things can be just as damaging to your mental health.
Toxins in food may be from natural or it might be a man made that is contaminants while processing the food.
For example, one author says to turn first to food for your nutrient needs, and only to supplements as a last resort, and yet in the next sentence she seems to see no contradiction in recommending consuming «fortified» foods.2 The author doesn't seem to be aware of the fact that «fortified» just means that while processing the food manufacturers have added a synthetic vitamin or mineral supplement.
While processed food is the overriding health concern for most, gluten may be a problem for many people.

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And while it doesn't actually let you order food straight from the app, it does streamline the process.
Many pet food manufacturers utilize a production process called extrusion in which the raw ingredients are ground together while being cooked at high temperatures.
This process uses water under very high hydrostatic pressure that destroys harmful food bacteria while maintaining fresh food characteristics, such as flavor, nutrients, and nutritional value.
All the rubbish processed junk masquerading as food while containing toxic chemicals and no nutrients shouldn't even be called food, in my opinion!
You and other people have inspired me in eating healthy and I've been off gluten for 2 years and eating so few processed food for a long time and now eating even more healthy for a while.
While the oats are cooking, add the crumble ingredients to a small food processor and blend / process until crumbly and well combined.
If using a food processor, you can pour it all in slowly through the top while processing.
While the oil is melting, briefly process the frozen fruit in a food processor so it's chopped up into small pieces.
While I realise that for some, gluten really does affect their system, for the majority of people, I believe it's actually a life with fewer refined grains and heavy cooked processed foods that is actually helping them feel great.
While my primary goal right now is to fight inflammation, the «diet» is basically a clean eating or whole food eating plan, focused on healthy, natural foods while limiting or eliminating processed fWhile my primary goal right now is to fight inflammation, the «diet» is basically a clean eating or whole food eating plan, focused on healthy, natural foods while limiting or eliminating processed fwhile limiting or eliminating processed foods.
While fermentation is not a new process, and producing sweeteners by feeding microbes is arguably more sustainable than growing acres of stevia plants just to extract components from their leaves, it is unclear how the market will respond to EverSweet, given that the reason food and beverage manufacturers started experimenting with stevia in the first place was precisely due to its «natural» credentials (it's from a leaf).
While the cookies are baking make your Date Caramel Sauce by placing the soaked and drained dates into a food processor and processing until mostly smooth.
I eat little processed food, but I did go to the drive through of my favourite hamburger joint on the weekend and then savoured my meal in the parking lot while reading a book and listening to the radio.
Even while following a whole foods diet with limited processed foods from packets, boxes and wrappers there is room in my food cupboard and travel bag for a good protein bar.
Add all the ingredients, except the cacao nibs, into a food processor and process until everything comes together and is smooth (this may take a while if your coconut butter is solid).
One criticism levelled at UCL's study by food and drink manufacturers and associations, such as the British Frozen Food Federation (BFFF), is that the study only considers the benefits of fresh fruit and vegetables, while dismissing the nutritional benefits of processed foods, in particular frozen fofood and drink manufacturers and associations, such as the British Frozen Food Federation (BFFF), is that the study only considers the benefits of fresh fruit and vegetables, while dismissing the nutritional benefits of processed foods, in particular frozen foFood Federation (BFFF), is that the study only considers the benefits of fresh fruit and vegetables, while dismissing the nutritional benefits of processed foods, in particular frozen foods.
I've made this crust with walnuts added while processing the graham crackers in the food processor and that's really good too!
Then, in 2004 while still in college (aka the land of processed food), I was diagnosed with a severe case of Lupus which caused my kidneys to fail.
It will enable RBSC to accelerate the development of novel yeast strains that address industrial process and product challenges for the food and beverage industries, while meeting end - user demand for non-GMO ingredients.
While lentils and rice are gluten - free foods, if you are preparing this for someone with gluten sensitivities, make sure all the products you use, especially the ketchup and barbecue sauces, are gluten - free or have been processed in a gluten - free facility.
Turn the food processor back on while pouring hot cream mixture through the feed tube into chopped chocolate, processing until smooth.
Ashley continues: «TOMRA Sorting Food has successfully integrated the people, processes and technologies of two world - class optical food sorting and peeling businesses while creating a new company which is greater than the sum of its parts.&raFood has successfully integrated the people, processes and technologies of two world - class optical food sorting and peeling businesses while creating a new company which is greater than the sum of its parts.&rafood sorting and peeling businesses while creating a new company which is greater than the sum of its parts.»
in the food processor, then added the spinach, garlic, onion, salt, pepper, goat cheese and processed that while the pasta was boiling.
The more whey you use, the less salt you need because the whey will speed up the fermentation process so that you do not need as much salt for preservation while you are waiting for the fermentation process to get to the stage where the food won't mold or go bad.
By definition, processed foods are foods that have been chemically altered in some way while they were being prepared.
Restaurants and similar retail food establishments are defined broadly to mean any retail establishment that offers «restaurant - type food,» which is food that is «[u] sually eaten on the premises, while walking away, or soon after arriving at another location» and either served in the establishment or processed and prepared primarily in the establishment.
A «restaurant» offers food that is «usually eaten on the premises, while walking away, or soon after arriving at another location» and either served in the establishment or processed and prepared primarily in the establishment.
Over the years, Bobby Ham has led the company into processed goods, utilizing off grade produce to create value added products while reducing food waste by using nearly 100 percent of the crops it grows.
Menuvative allows for real - time menu changes, while eliminating the use of table top paper advertising clutter and incorporates Pairing Pro, an intricate, patented algorithm that mimics the logic behind the food and wine pairing process performed by sommeliers.
While we focus on the quality of the restaurant and how it prepares the food, shouldn't it be just as important to understand the quality put into the processing of the food?
While not an exhaustive list, the following are the most common dumper styles found in most food processing plants.
While the pine nuts are baking, combine all three cheeses in a bowl or food processor (processing gives it a fluffier texture) along with one teaspoon honey.
While the former Labor government promises Simplot financial help to expand food processing centres, it has not received any handouts under the Coalition.
While asset management isn't necessarily exciting, it does play a huge role in the success of your food processing operation.
This food processor allows the user to continuously feed the food into the food processor and processes the food simultaneously while using the bowl or attaching an additional unit for dispensing the food outside the processor.
Add half of the pitted dates to the food processor, and process — streaming in half of the coconut oil while the blade is running.
While an increasing number of research studies point to the health benefits in controlling and reducing sugar consumption — the FDA now recommends sugar make up no more than ten percent of total calories consumed per day — there is a difference between sugars that occur naturally in foods and those that do not, like those in a piece of dried fruit, for example, versus the high fructose syrup commonly added to soft drinks, sodas, and many processed foods.
While not an exhaustive list, the above factors should be considered when purchasing a conveyor for the food or beverage processing industries.
While, I think it's fine to treat yourself to more indulgent foods as part of a healthy lifestyle that includes plenty of exercise, it's still important to make sure those treats are made with better ingredients — whole foods or unprocessed (or very minimally processed) foods, as much as possible.
Some of us have to consider health as well as taste (I use a low carb diet to maintain normal blood glucose instead of taking diabetes drugs, while at the same time I focus on foods that have a long tradition of supporting healthy populations, as well as limit processed «fake food» ingredients which are novel to the human diet).
While not an exhaustive list, the following are the most common ergonomic stands styles found in most food and beverage processing plants.
While pasta is cooking, add onion and garlic to a food processor and process until finely chopped.
Add the current type 2 diabetes epidemic to this little list of dangerous diseases that have increased significantly after the saturated fat scare drove millions into avoiding saturated fats while bringing billions of dollars into the processed food industry.
Our leading processing and packaging equipment keeps food from being spilled or spoilt in the early stages of production, while our packaging solutions prolong the life of food and help prevent it perishing — this is where we believe our greatest impacts are in reducing food losses.
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