Sentences with phrase «while sleep regression»

While sleep regression is more common in children younger than three, toddlers too can experience sleep problems due to major life transitions like potty training or from sleep - related issues like nightmares or night terrors.

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While there's no «cure» for sleep regression, you can help create a safe and comforting environment to minimize your toddler's sleeplessness.
While many babies and toddlers go through periods of sleep regression, it can be difficult for many parents to manage, especially when they become sleep deprived themselves.
While a sudden change could teething or an ear infection, nearly every four month old will face some sleep regression.
So while you're waiting for this sleep regression to resolve itself, just don't mention anything about it to your friends.
While it would be nice if this» 4 month sleep regression» was only a phase that will disappear in time, unfortunately, it is not.
Because while all baby and toddler sleep regressions are challenging, the 18 - month sleep regression is a real doozie.
what did you do during naps while your kids were experiencing sleep regression?
At least for now, while she's so solidly in the sleep regression window.
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