Sentences with phrase «while vocaloids»

While vocaloids like Hatsune Miku are still relatively unknown in the West, they have quite the following in Japan and can be found taking part in everything from live concerts to limited edition smartphones.
While the Vocaloid movement has caught on to some degree here in the States, it's still a genre of music — and an overall concept — that is utterly baffling to most of our populace.

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As the software improves and the library of fonts expands, the Vocaloid approach will no doubt become irresistible to those who harbor musical ambitions but who nonetheless get alarmed looks while belting out the national anthem at baseball games.
Song Builder 575 has music powered by the Vocaloid music software and the trick with this title is to fill in the empty lines with lyrics while also tapping the screen in time with the songs.
Jonathan and Randolph try to understand the Japanese vocaloid craze while playing the most recent Project DIVA rhythm game.
While an appreciation for vocaloids is a requisite, aficionados will undoubtedly treasure the engaging title.
You can swap and choose which VOCALOID is on stage, while you play.
During each stage, you can choose one of the VOCALOIDs to sing and dance while you wail away at the buttons.
While the console Project Diva games are known for an extensive song list choosing the best Vocaloid songs, Future Tone ups the ante with over 220 songs included across two DLC packs.
Like the first in the series, Project Diva X is a music rhythm game in which the player follows a series of button prompts in sync with the music while an in - engine performance featuring one of the few Vocaloids plays out in the background.
B. Enjoy watching Japan get those cool anime - themed outfits from things like Index or Disgaea or Vocaloid and the like — if Infinity was any sign, we won't be getting any of it (in fact, the last time we got anything like that was in PSP2's Evangelion plugsuits, and even then we got the censored versions of said costumes while Japan got the saucier ones).
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