Sentences with phrase «whole systems commissioning»

In 2016 NLGN published All Together Now: Whole systems commissioning for councils and the voluntary sector, which concludes that raising the scoring for social value in the commissioning process could have a profound effect on how local government work with its partners and on the outcomes it is able to deliver for citizens.

Not exact matches

The Rethinking School Lunch Oakland Feasibility Study, by a team of experts consultants commissioned by the Center, is based on CEL's Rethinking School Lunch planning framework, a whole - systems approach developed over more than 15 years of work on school food issues.
Right now, if a microchip in your computer or cell phone burns out, the whole system is essentially out of commission until you can replace the chip, to say nothing of any data you had stored on it.
Firstly, in its assessment of the STL system as a whole, the Commission ruled out that the STL regime could provide a selective advantage to the shipyards, as it could not establish that the STL «was de facto limited to the acquisition of Spanish vessels».
Many who support getting rid of that section would like to see the whole system of human rights commissions and tribunals dismantled, and those calls would get even louder and the debate more combustible if the government were to start messing with s. 13.
Soon the whole system changed and no longer allowed to address commissions in APS.
It is the absolute promotion of agents saying: «mostly it costs the buyer nothing in commission» that gets the whole system off on a bad bent.
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