Sentences with phrase «whomever thought»

Whomever thought of it should be
Whomever thought of that was genius.
They are sleepless with uncertainty and furious with whomever they think they can blame.
Do you ever think for yourself, or just align with whatever / whomever you think knows more than you do?
Whomever you think would benefit most, mention them.
Judging others, whomever you think those others should be, is a risky business, since you do it with your prejudices in hand, but not all of the evidence.
But whether or not YOU feel that LGBTQ people are your enemy, the words of Jesus apply to whomever you think IS your enemy.
Know that at times parents, students, and staff members will try to play you off against each other by going to whomever they think will give them the decision they want.

Not exact matches

Every time you do a picture you're kind of thinking well if I was doing it I would do it this way but this director's doing it that way so... And so you stack up all that stuff in your head and eventually when you get your opportunity you kind of go okay, I like the way Capra did this or I like the way Howard Hawks did this, whomever.
According to Recode, the terms of the agreement stipulated that whomever acquired Yahoo would be obligated to pay Mozilla «annual payments of $ 375 million through 2019, even if [Mozilla] does not think the buyer was one it wanted to work with and walked away.»
christians today think when people are not living according to the bible then they have the authority to cast hell on whomever... its sickening... and can someone tell me that if a kid was gay and he was a full hearted christian that there preacher would look them in the eyes and say give up ur going to hell
To whomever said that atheism is a religion... if you see logic and reason as a religion then you ought to re-examine your thought process.
I think polygamy is okay for whomever want to live that lifestyle.
If one follows Pearl Jam 20, then whomever Cameron Crowe hangs out with must be an «interesting» band that a film director thinks deserves to have rock stardom.
That was awfully considerate of whomever it was that thought to cut out the dead guy's heart and save it.
You see, they were going to do some rethinking — but then Donald Trump or Roy Moore or some idiot on Twitter said something mean about John McCain or George Bush or whomever, and now it is our moral responsibility to stop thinking and close ranks for the sake of basic decency.
He had come to think of himself as autonomous and did not acknowledge that sovereignty belongs to whomever God may give it (Dan.
Well, FAITH, there's the problem... that gibberish in the bible was just made up by «some guy» to keep the peasants behaving in a manner that whomever wrote it thought was a good way to behave... some of those guys were wise, yes, and there are benefits to following some of the «guidelines» set forth in the Bible... but it's a circular argument to use the Bible as a reason to have faith, because you have to first BELIEVE in the deity, THEN believe that the deity inspired the writings, THEN you can take the writings as «truth»... I'm two steps back, not believing in the deity at all (Yay, Atheists!
Every evening I sit along with whomever wants to join and we quietly watch the sun setting, or the rain coming down; or watch the wind blowing the trees and we discuss the beauty of our surroundings and each in their own quiet thoughts give thanks to whomever or whatever they feel thanks are due... There are no collection plates, no sermons..
I love the way GOD used you in your previous comment, God has all power and whatever or whomever he decides to keep, throw away, or change in order for his people to be saved he has the power to do so, he did say he would take the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, we need to stop trying to think for God and pray for his will to be done in all of our lives.
I think anyone of age is allowed by God to love whomever.
stop looking to the dalai lama or the holy see or whomever to look where the cracks in thinking are.
There seems to be a little distance to travel from thinking for yourself to pouring water on a bishop or archbishop or whomever while topless.
I don't think it is an American thing at all to think that way — I have Nederlans friends that consider whomever they border with a neighbor... I get so weary of all the generalisations ON the generalisations of Americans.
I think it's because these rolls mean so much to me, sentimentally, that I am so touched whenever readers share their photos of this recipe and their reports of widespread happiness with whomever they share.
If they think Acuna is ready for the bigs and better than either Markakis or whomever they put in left, then he should be up.
sounds odd, but I think the edge goes to whomever gets Nikki Cross, from what I've heard about her anyway.
As for what the General meant there, I think he was just speaking generally about whomever is running a district's food program that way — I doubt he was indirectly referring to FSMCs.
Laura, I think women have the right to give birth wherever they want, with whomever they want.
So, also encourage them to invite friends over and talk to whomever they feel comfortable sharing thoughts with.
«The question I have for you is who do you think is going to have a more independent ability to stand up to whomever is in the White House?
Frankly I think the Republicans don't actually have any facts, they just want to say the word Cuomo and Mosque in the same sentence and hope there's enough blind anti-Islam prejudice out there to get whomever the nominee is a few votes.
«I can suggest what I think is best for the city, but whomever ends up being successful, I think it's their responsibility to convince my supporters they're the right person for the job.»
I think whomever manufactures one world whey needs to be explicit about how it pasteurizes the product as hiding behind cold processing and claims of inventing a 7 step process sounds fishy as whey manufacturing processes (these days) are highly technical and were not invented by one person.
«What I wanted to do with LuvByrd is give everyone an opportunity to connect with whomever,» Mike said, adding that he didn't think restrictive algorithms were the way to go.
Choose whomever best suits your lifestyle and thinking.
Thought it is seemingly random, it's all part of a grand design by their hosts, who unleash a variety of perils at whomever is inhabiting the cabin at other times.
OK, so it's improbable that was the thought process, but kudos to whomever was responsible for bringing Adam McKay to the project.
Sometimes I think it would be amazing to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, to whomever I wanted to without the fear of consequence.
Thanks to whomever placed the «thunks» item on Tes, so I've made it into a ppt for Tutor time, with some images, to use as a warm up in Tutor time, to get students to think a little differently about the world around them.
On that note, I just hope that whomever they invite for this forthcoming review, if the bill is passed, is well - informed, very knowledgeable of the literature surrounding value - added in general but also in breadth and depth, and is not representing a vendor or any particular think tank, philanthropic, or other entity with a clear agenda.
I can go on and on but I think whomever is reading this got the point.
(At least, whomever of the same race and opposite sex...) I think the tragedy of Diana and Charles is what changed things, and that's a good thing.
If you don't think the car is a total loss, you can have it repaired by whomever you want, Diggs says, or have a mechanic or someone else inspect it to determine how much it would cost to fix.
Our way of thinking extends to whomever walks through our doors.
I kept thinking that AMEX should just deal with whomever left those links wide open instead of taking it out on the customers.
I just thought Nintendo / Game Freak / Pokemon Company (whomever is running the show) would have brought out even bigger guns for one of their most successful franchises.
The Nintendo Switch allows gamers to play wherever, whenever and with whomever, so the team thought it was the perfect time to renew the beloved series based on the platform concept.
Gavin, or whomever the moderator is, do you think there is a chance that you may be bias in your assesment of the «Facts» regarding climate change?
They think these cases are fairly straightforward and that they will be fairly compensated by whomever is responsible for their injuries.
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