Sentences with phrase «why go to a classroom»

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I want to know why I see so many religious types saying that our country is going down the drain due to lack of religion in society (classrooms, public buildings, etc)...??
DC Buck, if we're going to teach alternatives to evolution in the classroom, why stop there?
why do yo hate christmas, i mema they teach to love each other, ven other religions, people who offend you and it never asid to obly someten to become christian, just because there is the star of David in my classroom i am not going to become a jwe foro example.
Rather than use choice to set in motion a chain reaction that ends with the removal of bad teachers from the classroom, why not go right at the bad teachers themselves?
Why I do this work: I went into education because I believe that a quality education is one of the most powerful tools a child can acquire; yet my five years in the classroom revealed firsthand the stark contrast in educational quality and experience that we offer to children in this country.
Petrilli: «Rather than use choice to set in motion a chain reaction that ends with the removal of bad teachers from the classroom, why not go right at the bad teachers themselves?»!
Put bluntly, why should a tenured classroom teacher go to the effort of altering her long - standing instructional protocols to adopt new technologies when her pay, professional status, and job security are only remotely related to improving her effectiveness or her clients» satisfaction?
But, Mr. TalentLMS - blog - guy, you might ask, why would we want to go back to the ancient days of classroom - based training, when we have all this new online training technology at our disposal?
Teacher Katie Ward listens to a student, who is laying on some classroom furniture, explain why his day has gone badly.
The introduction to the survey appears to reflect skepticism by union leadership about how the district is going about it, questioning why $ 44 million has been allocated for «out - of - classroom positions.»
Hear how Candace does it in today's Wonderful Wednesday classroom tour and why she'll never go back to the «old» way of teaching.
«We need to get at the core reasons why teachers leave the classroom or go to another state,» said Atkinson.
A Parent Guide to the Broad Foundation's training programs and education policies The question I ask is why should Eli Broad and Bill Gates have more of a say as to what goes on in my child's classroom than I do?
He asks, «Rather than use choice to set in motion a chain reaction that ends with the removal of bad teachers from the classroom, why not go right at the bad teachers themselves?»
For example neuroscientists might give me a new angle on how or why, but then I go to the classroom research to find the effectiveness.
[Go to Part 1: Why Flipped Classrooms Fail] Failure is a broad term and there are many ways a flipped classroom can fail.
The question I ask is why should Eli Broad and Bill Gates have more of a say as to what goes on in my child's classroom than I do?
Most people go on a tropical vacation to get away from things like paperwork and studying, so why would you want to study in a classroom while visiting the Mexican Caribbean?
When a program allows the student to choose their defensive driving locations and take the course on - the - go like ours does, why would you want to deal with a traditional classroom program?
Why waste it going to a traditional traffic school classroom when you can reap the benefits of a Rhode Island insurance discount course at home?
I'm not sure why anyone would ever want to do this in a classroom, so I'm just going to cover the Texas defensive driving online courses which have been approved specifically for the state of Texas.
So you might be asking yourself, why would I do that instead of going to a classroom to get it over with?
I have no idea why you'd actually want to spend hours of your life in a classroom being lectured at, so I'm only going to discuss the online options that are available.
I'm not sure why anyone would ever want to do this in a classroom, so I'm just going to cover the online schools.
I have no idea why you'd actually want to spend hours of your life in a classroom being lectured at, so I'm only going to discuss the...
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