Sentences with phrase «why such a big impact»

Why such a big impact?

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Sure, you don't want the studios to cut corners to the point where movies start looking cheap and silly — a big reason why superheroes and aliens have been making such a huge impact on movie screens in recent years is that we can finally make them look cool instead of tacky.
But, on the other hand, they used a lot of very different language, more abstract, more challenging to children - so I think that might be one of the reasons why it had such a big impact on children's language and cognitive development.
This is why the termination of Down Payment Assistance had such a big impact on the market.
Miyaji: That's why now, with games occupying such a big space in the media universe, if some kids play Grandia and it leaves an impression on them, maybe it will have a positive impact on their lives.
A big part of why this is such a problem in Europe, says Vidal, has been the push for better fuel economy without understanding the full impact of particulate emissions:
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