Sentences with phrase «wich superior»

Not exact matches

I'm thinking of purchacing a Citroen BX dashboard from a superior model than my BX 14 wich currently only features a Velocimeter, fault lights and an analog clock, for one with various analog...
@PONTIAC I remember reading not a few years ago how two more lines of resolution on ghostbusters and / or extra foliage on red dead redemption had people touting the «superior version» of those games in xb0x360 vs PS3 debates because extra features or better performance, no matter how small, are measurable details for identifying wich is the better version of a game even though that doesn't automatically makes the other «inferior version» any less desirable for those with access to one of the two consoles, it doesn't take a generational gap to brand a version of a game «the superior» or «the better» version, don't delusion yourself that those little details don't make a difference for most multi-console users.
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