Sentences with phrase «wiimotes do»

That is why Wiimotes do nt work when you play Gamecube games on Wii.
Maybe the Wiimote doesn't have enough buttons, but that doesn't mean the waggle motion to spin is any less stupid.
That said I must reiterate that the Wiimote does a sterling job.

Not exact matches

They did sort of do it with Pikmin 3 where you could send people with the touch screen and control someone with the controller / wiimote, but they could easily go full realtime.
And that's what I don't like about the Gamepad, Nintendo went away from that forced Wiimote support in certain games.
Unlike with Nintendo Land, you don't need an army of Wiimotes and Nunchuks to get your friends in on it.
hardly what i'd call asymmetric gaming, this could be done on the 3ds, and i wouldn't hog the tv, unless it is multiplayer and someone is making it more challenging with a wiimote or something
In the demo of DKC Tropical Freeze, we were given Wiimotes, which actually scared me, since I didn't like the Wiimote paradigm (I much prefer the classical layout of the SNES controller) because I didn't adapt well.
Metroid if they do jiggly animation for her boobs when in cutscenes:p lol:p no metroid if it uses dual analof because i played metroid prime corruption on wii and i did nt like it because i suck with wiimote on every shooting game i ever played and you couldnt use gcn or classic so i just stopped playing after5 or 6 missions
Anyway, MP9 did nt have that bad Wii Remote Usage, MP8 did and you cant compare it since those Minigames are some of the minigames with the best Wiimote Usage...
If I grab a Wiimote and beat someone to death with it, does that make the Wiimote or me resposible for that persons death?
It doesn't look like we'll be getting any new add - ons for the game, just the original six chapters that were in the episodically released season one and the ability to point and click with the Wiimote.
Look: I can't connect my Wiimote with my toaster, because my toaster doesn't have a sync button!
Team Ninja did a good job with the gameplay, considering that they pretty much had their hands tied up in terms of decisions (did you know that Sakamoto was the one that wanted the wiimote only configuration?
Most of the time, when I would go for a heavy hit, I'd swing the Wiimote sideways for the wind up and either get blasted by my opponent before I could swing, or I swung and it didn't register leaving me wide open and looking stupid.
Nintendo continues to top the charts, but many still remember the initial disappointment that hardcore gamers felt when that 1:1 lightsaber game didn't show up or that the best thing we could do was turn the Wiimote sideways to hold a gun Hollywood style.
Last time I checked (November 19th, 2006), what MotionPlus offers is what the wiimote was already promised to do.
Depending on what Jack was doing on screen, I was prompted to either slam the Wiimote down to jam the chainsaw through his face, pull the Wiimote and nunchuk apart to snap the poor dude's neck, or pull off some other sick move seemingly designed to make the ESRB cringe.
The thing with the wiimote is that if done good, it's damn good too.
You remembered me when I played the multiplayer of ZumbiU with my brother, it's really rare to him to play with me and he only plays on the Xbox or PC, he simply didn't managed to control with the Wiimote + Numchuck and gave up really quickly, while I found it this configuration much better and made it too easy for me to deal with the Zombies.
I love the looks of sorcery, and to all those who say wiimote can do this, but last time i checked it could not change color, and it lacks the realistic precision of some of the controls as we all saw, only haters say wii can do this...
SD Card support for WiiWare and Virtual Console titles should have happened at least 12 months earlier than it did, and Wii MotionPlus charges you to fix your Wiimote to be (still a little less than) what it promised to be 4 years ago!
I could hardly make it work when doing what it said to do (literally jumping), and I could only make it work half of the time by doing it my way (flicking the Wiimote upward).
This was right before viewing the video demoing what the soon - to - be-called Wiimote could do.
Mario Galaxy's use of the Wiimote was based entirely off pointing the Wiimote at the screen to pick up Star Bits and flicking the Wiimote to make Mario do a spin jump / attack.
They revealed that the main character is actually Bowser, who the player with the GamePad controls and he's able to bully the other players (presumably using Wiimotes) into doing tasks.
All you have to do is jump in place and swing your arms, while holding 2 wiimotes, like you are jumping rope.
When it comes to exclusive, mascot games, and games that actually do something with the Wiimote that genuinely make it relevant and interesting to gameplay, I'll pick the title up, but after supporting this company for over 20 years, and realizing that they are still pulling the same arrogant, oblivious crap that alienated all their 3rd party companies over a decade ago, well now, it's extending to us, the decades long devoted.
Do you want only to see titles that make unique use of the Wiimote, or are ones using the «classic» - style controls perfectly acceptable?
Why did nt they have you just aim with the wiimote in the direction you want to fire?!
Anyway, MP9 did nt have that bad Wii Remote Usage, MP8 did and you cant compare it since those Minigames are some of the minigames with the best Wiimote Usage...
They do this by using the Wii U gamepad and four Wiimote and nunchuck pairs.
Anyone that complains about flicking the Wiimote to do sword moves obviously hasn't played the game on the Wii, I can see arguing it may not be as responsive as button presses, but it is far from something that is to be «hated».
And please don't pretend the bits inside the Wiimote just come for free now.
I think the reason is simple: Nintendo doesn't want the player to be able to make a direct comparision between the Wiimote and the original controls because they're afraid the Wiimote will look inferior.
The few companies who did try are going to see dividends on Wii U, Black Ops 2 has WIimote controls because they've done it before.
Not long after Twilight Princess, I bought Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, a game that, ironically, didn't even use Wiimote controls.
One note though: It doesn't use the accelerometers to do this, it uses the IR, so make sure your still pointing the wiimote @ the screen while you do it.
Not only that, but Wii Sports did an excellent job at tricking the user into thinking that the Wiimote was more accurate than it was.
It echoes comments made by Shigeru Miyamoto last year, when he said the title would use the Wiimote add - on, although he didn't state at the time if it was to be exclusively used.
I don't want to ruin the ending because I find it hilarious, but if there is a lesson to be learned — make sure you always leave the Wiimote when you leave the room if there is a girl present.
This doesn't seem too useful now unless Nintendo really uses the Wiimotes a lot with the Wii U.
Don't forget, you can use old Wiimotes for multiplayer.
While I'm sure some improvements were made after the Wiimote came out, I don't think you can call the Move a Wii rip off since it was first.
I'm secretly hoping they didn't spend alot of that time retooling it with Wii specific controls, and we can just play it old school with a sideways wiimote.
PS3 at least changed the wiimote to a PlayStation Move, but 360 didn't bother to change the name, just the look... u NEED to change both.
Anyway, even if the Control Stick does not make it back to the controller, it won't be entirely forgotten, because Wiimotes and Nunchuks can still be used.
I'm imagining a mechwarrior where the Wiimote controls torso positioning — something that ordinary controllers never really did very well.
Neither, of course, can Nintendo - the Wii did very well in its time in the sun, and still claims the sales trophy, but the sales collapse of first third - party software and, in the Wii U, Nintendo's own hardware, marks the Wiimote as more fad than fundamental change in the market.
I just cant play this game being left handed... the thing is... all my life i've moved the character / cursor / whatever whit my left thumb and my main hand is left... so heres the problem... i hold the wiimote with my left hand... since is the only way i can, and i have to do with my right thumb (and im not that good with my right hand) what i have been doing all my life with my left thumb... is just odd... and it makes my movement slow and cluncky...
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