Sentences with phrase «wind energy association»

The American Wind Energy Association said in September that installations had reached 20,000 megawatts, double the capacity of 2006, with growth driven by generous tax incentives and state renewable energy quotas.
A spokesperson for the Canadian Wind Energy Association said the association is concerned about reports that are based on limited data that have the effect of boosting estimates.
In Europe, an offshore wind park costs nearly twice as much per megawatt as an onshore wind park, according to the European Wind Energy Association in Brussels.
«No form of energy generation, or human activity for that matter, is completely free of impacts, and wind energy is no exception,» the American Wind Energy Association said in a statement.
The British Wind Energy Association said it was wrong to compare wind energy in Britain and Germany.
That, at least, is the belief and the hope of Ron Stimmel, small wind advocate with the American Wind Energy Association in Washington, D.C.
-- At the Distributed Wind Energy Association Conference last week, Windustry presented their annual Community Wind and Sustainable Energy Awards.
Spanish Wind Energy Association recognises IEA Executive Director Birol Annual Distinction was awarded for IEA's work to place renewables at the centre of global energy discussions 1 July 2016
But such projects are capital intensive — the Canadian Wind Energy Association estimates gearboxes, blades, towers and other equipment comprise 70 % of the total cost.
Production was set to peak in the late afternoon Friday and taper off as turbines automatically begin to shut down, according to Simon Mahan, a director at Southern Wind Energy Association.
The American Wind Energy Association reports that wind power now produces 20 percent of all the power in both Iowa and South Dakota.
There are 158 wind farms in China, according to the Chinese Wind Energy Association (CWEA), and the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)-- the government ministry charged with economic development — has called for the installation of 10 gigawatts — up from 6 gigawatts at present — by 2010.
Commenting on why CanWEA chose to hold this year's annual event in Calgary, the Canadian Wind Energy Association President Robert Hornung said, «Many new growth opportunities for our industry have emerged in the western provinces.
Lejla Latifovic, Communications Advisor Canadian Wind Energy Association Office: +1 (800) 922-6932 ext. 241 Mobile: +1 (613) 608-8226 [email protected]
EWEA is happy to inform its website visitors of national wind energy association events happening around the world.
«The Polish Wind Energy Association (PWEA) estimates that offshore windfarms with a total capacity of 6 GW would help create around 77,000 new jobs and add around 60 billion zlotys to economic growth.
«Delayed investment of over 59bn rand ($ 5bn), the creation of over 13,000 construction jobs and a further 2,000 operations jobs was meant to be unlocked today,» said Brenda Martin, CEO of the South African Wind Energy Association (SAWEA).
«We are thrilled for two reasons,» said California Wind Energy Association (CalWEA) President Nancy Rader of the Brown proposal.
Wind energy is set to expand rapidly, with the American Wind Energy Association projecting $ 10 billion in investments over the next decade, thanks to the RPS targeted by ALEC and its dirty companies through loyal politicians like Senator Seitz.
SolutionWind is a campaign run by a consortium of wind energy associations.
In fact, such small - scale wind turbines are typically more about green design than actual energy generation, although the American Wind Energy Association predicts robust growth of as much as 20 percent in the area as a result of local and state tax incentives.
He informs and advises a range of energy industry associations, including the European Renewable Energy Council, Global Wind Energy Association and the International Energy Agency.
Don't miss your chance to get on board with how the Dutch are unlocking wind energy: learn more at the conference session on Dutch wind power at the WindEurope Conference and Exhibition next week and check out our exclusive interview with Hilbert Klok, sector specialist at the Netherlands Wind Energy Association.
James Taylor — Forbes — February 27, 2014 A newly published paper by the American Wind Energy Association illustrates that electricity prices are rising more than four times the national average in nine of the 11 states with the most wind power consumption.
I had an email from Karina Lindvig of the Danish Wind Energy Association stating that «there is absolutely no truth to that story».
For information and interviews: Ulrike Kucera Media Relations Officer Canadian Wind Energy Association Mobile: (613) 867-4433 [email protected]
As a separate matter, a critique by the American Wind Energy Association noted, the $ 59 historic high REC price used in the Buckeye Institute report came from a year for which state regulators later found that FirstEnergy had overpaid for those credits.
We're talking about the American Wind Energy Association naming New Mexico as the nation's fastest - growing state for wind - energy construction.
This dissection of what America's Wind Energy Association dishes up on a daily basis is as good as it gets, in tearing away wind industry -LSB-...]
A 20 percent share of U.S. capacity, a figure that the American Wind Energy Association forwarded some years ago in congressional hearings (see above), would equate to 880,000 cumulative bird deaths.
The American Wind Energy Association last month voiced its concern in Washington over «overly burdensome standards» being imposed on wind energy projects.
The day after Trump won, the American Wind Energy Association released a statement touting its contributions to the economy including the fees developers pay to farmers who agree to host wind turbines on their land and the jobs the industry creates.
The laborers rallied outside of the the Roosevelt Hotel, where the American Wind Energy Association investor conference was being held in New York City, protesting EDF Renewable Energy's hiring practices, the California - based company involved in the wind farm project.
The lower map shows existing high - voltage lines capable of transporting wind - generated power in red; lines needed to meet the 2030 goal for renewable energy, according to the American Electric Power / American Wind Energy Association plan, are shown in green.
Businesses like steady costs, and Christian Kjaer of the European Wind Energy Association points to the predictability of a windmill's energy output over many years as «a hedge against the uncertainty of fuel prices.»
The American Wind Energy Association issued a statement welcoming the study findings.
Clean energy and clean air lovers hooted and hollered yesterday when the American Wind Energy Association announced some outstanding 2012 wind power statistics - namely this one: Wind was the top new energy source to come online in 2012.
The American Wind Energy Association questioned Smallwood's path to that number, which was to be expected, but other researchers had their doubts, as well.
Yet, The Canadian Wind Energy Association request Ontario's Minister of Environment to exclude the measurement of Low Frequency Noise at wind development sites.»
The board of the American Wind Energy Association elected Tristan Grimbert of EDF Renewable Energy as its chair.
Some lawmakers are targeting the incentive for extinction, but American Wind Energy Association CEO Tom Kiernan said he's optimistic.
«Leveling the playing field» with rival generation technologies like solar will be a strategic priority for the American Wind Energy Association going forward
The Spanish Wind Energy Association represents some 200 companies that make up 95 % of the Spanish wind power sector, from manufacturers and developers to financial institutions and insurers.
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