Sentences with phrase «with clear language»

With clear language, fresh graphics, and fun activities, games, and movies, we make learning easy.
As pioneers in online drivers ed, we know how to deliver a truly professional experience — with clear language, helpful graphics, and engaging activities, games, and movies.

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Why do natural health advocates demand that products with GMOs be labeled but ignore that homeopathic products are labeled in another language and without clear denotations of the quantities of active ingredients?
But Groppel makes it clear that the ultimate mission is the core of the course, and I wonder whether my distractibility, and the nascent spare tire exposed by my Speedo, will really offer enough motivation for me to make decisions in line with the monumental language the doctor is using.
Here is where marketing, corporate communications and human resources departments need to be closely aligned in developing a rollout plan and guidelines that are engaging, easy and clear, including parameters on social posts, special offers to share with family and friends and key messages (in simple, clever language) about the product or campaign.
«It's very important to use very clear compelling language that leads with your customer's best interest,» Gill says.
The social scientist, who kicks off her speech with a «free no - tech life hack» that will probably turn your frown upside down, says our body language speaks loud and clear to those around us.
It isn't clear, though, that having learned to express themselves well in an investor's language has nailed the entrepreneurs ability to really think through the risks and evolve a plan with great promise and chances of success.
The administration is including language in the final rule to make clear how a contractor's current sick leave policy can comport with the mandate.
The First Vatican Council included language like (the Pope) «is the true vicar of Christ and head of the whole Church and faith, and teacher of all Christians; and that to him was handed down in blessed Peter, by our Lord Jesus Christ, full power to...» This transfer of power depends on the Roman Church's understanding of the Office of the Keys which I do not agree with, but their statements make it clear that the Pope's authority as the Roman Church understands it is derived from Christ's.
In Eliot's poems, «the confusion of life will be reflected in the disorganized flux of images; its lack of clear meaning in the obscurity of language; its defiance of creeds in a license of metrical form; its dislocated connection with the past in the floating debris of allusion; while its flattened emotions will be reproduced realistically, without comment.»
These words, originally a reference to the universal rule of God, are applied to Jesus but would have had undeniable resonances for anyone familiar with the articulation of imperial ideology (they have, for example, clear parallels to the language of the Res Gestae).
They're going to hear the gospel much clearer from Tyson Fury, someone they can identify with, and has behaviour, language and culture closer to theirs, and who is willing to very loudly and boldly proclaim that he loves and needs Jesus.
The erosion by stealth of a common language defining the innate dignity of human sexuality has been clear for those with eyes to see.
A study of the linguistic principles of India in connection with Bible translation make clear that the New Testament Greek and the Indian languages stemmed from Sanskrit are two different kinds of languages.
Even when you communicate with clear words in a language we both share... I most certainly do not have access to your thoughts.
A commitment to biblical realism will heighten rather than weaken our ability to converse with our neighbors in their own language, if we become clear about the differences which distinguish one language game from another.
Within the Jewish - Christian tradition, this refreshment and companionship is given a supreme and clear statement in the language in which the biblical writers speak of God as the living one who identifies himself with his creatures, works for their healing, enables them to experience newness of life, and enters into fellowship with them.
It would be more in accord with the spirit of myth to regard man as just one element in an infinite universe — even the New Testament does so in clear and classical language; it says, not «God so loved mankind», but «God so loved the world».
While Hartshorne thus holds that the completeness of God's prehensions is such that the subjective immediacy is retained in God, it is clear that he does not associate this with immortality; to the contrary, he reverts to the language of objective immortality.
How does one have a relationship with someone who is dead, who is not around, and never talks back in clear language?
Thankfully, however, there is still plenty of room for some homework — research that will enable a full, frank, and accurate comparison of these revisionist interpretations of the «Power greater than ourselves» phrase with some of the very clear original Big Book language about «that Power, which is God.»
Once again, it must be made clear that talk of enrichment is not meant to suggest that God becomes any more «God» than he always has been; what is intended by such language is simply that, because God is supremely related to all occasions, these various occurrences provide material for his fuller expression in relationship with creation and at the same time bring about an enhancement of the divine joy as well as a participation through «suffering» (or sharing as participation) in all that takes place in the world.
The electronic age with its offering of a wide variety of ways to present the human voice has commanded new attention to oral language.1 Perhaps the ascendancy of science and the domination of the scientific method has created such a restricted view of language that a reaction in favor of more dimensions to language is to be taken simply as clear testimony to a general degeneration of meaningful discourse, a degeneration in which the church figures prominently.
In his later writing, Heidegger has become more passive, more receptive, more concerned with man as listener and not so much with man the interpreter, for he has come to believe that Being itself comes to us in a «clearing - concealing» through language.
But the pastor may have to set aside all specifically religious language for a time precisely because at some stage of communicating with the person these get in the way of clear thought and honest feeling.
With my belief that» language is limited» since I have many many friends who have english as a second language, and my own personal comprehension of the language and its meanings is limited based on my personal history... thank you for being thoroughly clear in your use of words.
DEPARTMENTS 6 News 152 Three Things FOODSERVICE 7 Book Review The Culinary Institute of America recently published the Kitchen Pro series that provides readers with clear, accessible language and a depth of detail for «Produce» and «Cheese.»
Despite his languid body language, the German is capable of putting in standout performers like the one on Saturday, where he was crystal clear with his movement.
The document stresses both mothers» and fathers» importance as educators, making clear that when fathers and mothers talk, play, read, paint, investigate numbers and shapes or sing with their children it has a positive effect on children's later development — and that mums» and dads» involvement in reading is the most important determinant of their child's early language and literacy skills.
Babies need to feel an emotional connection with the words being spoken or they simply filter out the language, so steer clear of audio books as well as TV or other screens.
* Clear, unbiased, accurate, and readily available information in plain language — discussing benefits, harms, and alternatives — should be provided to women in order to assist with informed decision making.
The language is clear and easy to understand, yet packed with facts and emotions that you will refer to over and over again.
The information in this pregnancy book is based on the latest research (at the time of publication, 1999) in maternity care and outlines it all in clear, concise language with references for all of the studies cited in the book.
Try to use clear, respectful language when talking about someone with disabilities.
Using baby sign language expands on this innate skill by encouraging him to use a wide variety of signs to express his needs (see communicating with baby)-- the benefits of which are clear to any parent!
He wouldn't go into detail, insisting he's negotiating with Senate Democratic Conference Leader John Sampson, but he made it clear earlier today that the sticking point for him is the same - sex marriage language in the revenue bill.
With regard to the legitimizing positions put forward by the different political actors, there is a clear contrast not only between the values and objectives they defend, but also between the different language and theoretical frameworks they employ.
Other political communicators may find more trouble balancing the need to reach different audiences in language that makes sense to them with the need for a common and clear political message, but in some sense that's nothing new, as anyone who's ever tried to run a coalition knows.
What's not clear is if there is similar language in the Frontier Central School District's contract with its teachers.
While the two officials had some spirited disagreements during the interview, what I heard — and perhaps more importantly what I saw in the body language — were two leaders with a healthy amount of mutual respect, a clear ability to dialogue, and a willingness to listen.
While a clinician may find it difficult to parse whether a patient's stilted conversational manner is rooted in a lack of emotional connection or problems forming words, a brain scan in Belger's study made it clear, for example, that particular symptoms were more closely associated with disruption in the brain's emotional processing areas, whereas other symptoms were more closely associated with regions responsible for language and motor control.
Some of their choices — including the mathematics of music, higher dimensions and chaos theory — are written in clear, accessible language that many science - interested readers will connect with.
«Until now, it was not clear whether adults» sophisticated relational processing stemmed from experience with language and human culture.
Another of the authors, Stephen Levinson, comments, «This is a bit of an unexpected finding, since many have thought that grammar might give us deeper insight into the linguistic past than vocabulary, but there is still some reason for caution: we compared highly conservative vocabulary with an unfiltered range of grammar variables, and the language family is unusual for the way it diversified during colonization of successive islands, But what is clear is that grammar and vocabulary changes are not closely coupled, even within branches of a family, so looking at them both significantly advances our ability to reconstruct linguistic history.»
Still, «this is the first clear identification» of a gene «with direct relevance for language ability,» says geneticist Svante Pääbo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany.
For 30 minutes the facilitator explained and modeled assertive resistance, teaching the girls how to make it clear that sexual coercion and unwanted advances are not acceptable, such as using a firm voice tone, showing confident body language, and stating their limits (e.g., «I don't want to have sex with you, so stop asking me»).
The accessible techniques provided in this book, including mantras and meditations, are described in clear language with an image of each pose to facilitate practice.
Yogamazé trainings are defined by an emphasis on logical analysis, clear language, and critical thinking, empowering students to teach with confidence and creativity.
Just as with the physical instructions you give, the more essential you are in your language, the clearer your instructions will be.
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