Sentences with phrase «with humanization»

I think that comes along with the humanization trend.»

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Data - driven outcomes (with a side of humanization) For anyone making executive decisions, it's impossible to undermine the importance of data in today's rapidly moving and changing business environment.
Arcuri adds that the personalization engine at the heart of the Beats Music streaming music service, which blends recommendation algorithms with human curation, as further proof that the deal underscores the «humanization of data.»
Embracing the power of brand humanization and ensuring that you are communicating with your customers in an authentic, transparent and human way
With Gagnon, I look forward to the time when God puts all the principalities and powers under Christ's feet, and the humanization of humanity is accomplished.
Karl Marx, and others with a heart, felt the need for a revolutionary humanization of the system as inevitable and morally mandatory for the dignity and decency of the human person.
The church must be prepared to enter into common cause with any group, regardless of caste, color or creed, in the task of restoring meaning and purpose to human life, under whatever rubric this task might be conceived, whether it be called salvation or liberation, redemption or humanization.
The re-integration of human being with nature will also restore the bond between the human being and fellow human beings, for the humanization of nature is essentially a social task.
He learns, through the revealing conversation with God, that his choice for humanization, wisdom, knowledge of good and bad, or autonomy really means at the same time also estrangement from the world, self - division, division of labor, toil, fearful knowledge of death, and the institution of inequality, rule, and subservience.
Benedict's call to a «real humanization of sexuality» may seem out of touch with reality, but hard facts and science are on his side.
Nor will it any longer be incumbent upon the church to guard against becoming an ideological spokesman for science; for science, as the agent of humanization, will have entered into a synthesis with all else that contributes to human spirituality.
But with Portman in the main role, Annihilation acts as an intellectual riddle in suggesting that Mizuno's humanization — becoming «more» human - like — is simply an attainment of whiteness, warranting a follow - up question: At what cost?
«While the term humanization has been overused, it is a fact that pet owners are trying to impart their healthy lifestyle with their own pets,» Wallington says.
This ongoing trend towards the humanization of pets is compelling owners to seek out products with ingredients they know are safe and can recognize, explains Jones.
Take Them Along In line with the pet humanization trend, more ferret owners than ever are taking their pets with them when they travel.
While this humanization — treating cats and dogs as members of the family — could be part of the reason for the decline of pet sales, Elizabeth Oreck, national manager of the Best Friends Animal Society's Puppy Mills Initiative, thinks it has more to do with a general shift in where people choose to get pets today.
«The humanization of pets in general means that small animal consumers, especially with larger species, seek out quality nutrition and are willing to pay more for it.»
The humanization of pets continues to gather momentum with the special dietary needs of pets now being given the same credence as those of two - legged family members.
It's kind of interesting that you started in human nutrition because what we want to talk about today is the humanization of pet food and kind of how the diet for pets is sort of changing to follow the trends that we're seeing in human foods with like for example gluten - free, we're seeing the raw diet becoming very popular, so it's interesting that you started with human nutrition and have moved to pets.
So that's why I talked to Doctor Adolphe, and I wanted to speak with her about the humanization of pet food and some of those choices that we should be making, and as always you know if you guys are interested in pet topics and all things pet related, I would love to hear from you, you can get on our website which is; there's a comments section there, you can leave comments.
«With the increase of humanization and simplification of ingredients, the natural grooming category will produce more and more healthy solutions that provide nothing but the best.»
This factor, combined with the burgeoning health and wellness movement and the humanization of pets, has turned a spotlight on natural treats — to the retailer's advantage, says Clemens.
Likely due to the humanization of pets, natural choices have become more and more top of mind with consumers.
Personalization will play a key role in product development as the humanization of the family pet will only continue to grow and with it, additional products to support a market eager for new ideas and innovative products.
This fact, combined with the ever - growing pet humanization trend, means that the senior pet category will continue to expand, and it would be wise for retailers to take advantage of this growth.
LURVIG capitalizes on the humanization of pets by including accessories that blend in with our own items, or, like in the case of the KLIPPAN couch, are actual miniatures of our stuff.
Gleason also noted that humanization of pets is a major factor in shaping the development and growth of the category as a whole, with customers looking for products that match the quality of what they use for themselves.
With the growing humanization of pets, owners see their furry companions as valued members of the family and wish to include them in holiday celebrations as much as possible.
Then, as has been the case with so many product trends, humanization caused pet owners who were taking these products themselves to look for similar products for their pets.
In the visual arts there has always been major problems of discontinuity with scientific discoveries due to the comparative lack of the overwhelming dominance of additive visual techniques thereby creating a problem with continuous humanization of scientific advances.
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