Sentences with phrase «with poor economic conditions»

With poor economic conditions and the crash of the housing market, many people are simply unable to purchase a home that will meet the needs of their family.

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Changing values have interacted with worsening economic conditions to create increasing numbers of poor women and children.
Trivers says the findings are consistent with previous studies of post-communist Poland and historical Portugal in which poor economic conditions, and in turn poor nutrition, predicted the birth of more girls.
They included worsening economic conditions for poor families and an increase in fatherless black households, social factors that interfere with students» educational progress.
As stores close, either due to poor economic conditions or due to the prosperity that drives a newly minted, larger store in a more «upscale» part of town, the landscape has become dotted with obtrusively large empty warehouse - style eyesores.
In recent months, FHA has requested permission to raise mortgage insurance premiums paid by borrowers to offset losses associated with growing exposure and poor economic conditions.
A stock of a company with a record of stable earnings and continuous dividend payments and which has demonstrated relative stability in poor economic conditions.
While there have been numerous reports that the field of videogaming in major markets usually remains healthy even when faced with with slow or poor economic conditions, prediction analyst extraordinaire Michael Pachter believes that the current economic conditions in the US are affecting the supply of Wii Fit.
There is evidence that marginalized groups, including persons with disabilities, tend to experience poorer health outcomes, and widespread agreement that disparity in health outcomes is largely due to the social determinants of health, which are the poorer economic and social conditions experienced by them: Robin L. Nobleman, Are Health Problems Legal Problems in Disguise?
Because of the poor economic conditions many Hondurans have left to find a better life elsewhere with a great number of Hondurans moving to the USA.
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