Sentences with phrase «with tight core»

Standing with a tight core or sitting on a flat bench, raise a dumbbell above your head with both hands.
With a tight core, straight back and relaxed shoulders lift your right leg and simultaneously raise your right knee and lower your left elbow towards each other (a).
Work on lowering yourself with control and with a tight core.
Sit up straight with a tight core and back pressed against the seat.
With a tight core, lift both arms into a biceps curl and then into a shoulder press and lower back down in reverse order.
From the plank position, with a tight core and maintaining form, bring knees towards chest and then back to the plank position.

Not exact matches

``, DFC Intelligence analyst Jeremy Miller says brand has the strength to experiment with online models, but must walk «a very tight line between satisfying hard - core online shooter players, the pick - up - and - play crowd, and investors.»
The Ole Miss receiving corps has just about everything you could ask for: an efficient go - to guy (Laquon Treadwell, with his 64 percent catch rate), an explosive tight end (Evan Engram), potentially devastating over-the-top guys (Cody Core, Quincy Adeboyejo, Washington transfer Damore'ea Stringfellow) and even some new blood (four - star freshmen DaMarkus Lodge, Van Jefferson).
After billions of years, the dwarf's central black hole made it to the galactic core and began a tight gravitational tango with the Milky Way's supermassive black hole.
Leading with one arm, push upwards while keeping your core on tight and have your other arm follow the lead.
Start in a squat with a dumbbell in right hand, arm hanging in front of body, back flat, and core tight (A).
Keeping your core tight and torso as upright as possible, descend down by flexing the knees, making sure that your knees stay aligned with the feet.
From here, get into a plank position with your hands just below your shoulders and your core tight.
With your hands directly under your shoulders and your core tight, tap one foot into the water, return it to the board, and repeat on the opposite side.
Here's how to do it: Stand tall with your feet hip distance apart with toes pointing forward, keep your core tight and your back straight.
While keeping a tight core, squat down until you are parallel with the floor and then pulse up and down for a total of 30 reps.
With core tight, push body away from hands, extending plank 3 to 6 inches (B), and then return to start.
Here's how to do it: Get into plank with core tight and wrist directly under shoulders.
Keeping core tight, push through toes and hop forward, landing gently with feet on the outside of hands.
With core tight, lower down until left knee nearly touches ground (B).
Keeping your back flat and core as tight as possible, sit back with your hips and lower your glutes toward the ground.
With your legs straight and your core tight, lower your heels as far below your toes as possible and then push up onto the balls of your feet.
Lunges come with a variety of great benefits, including building a tight butt, strong quads and hamstrings and increasing core strength.
Whatever the variation it's crucial that you perform them with your core tight, completing full range of motion.
Grasp the kettlebell by the handle with both hands while maintaining a flat back position and a tight core.
Pulling uses mostly upper body strength in the shoulders and arms, coupled with a strong, tight core.
From a standing position with a wide stance, grab the bar and raise it from the floor by extending your arms in front of you and maintaining a tight core and take it up to shoulder height.
What to do: Begin by laying on your back with hands behind head, then alternate bringing each elbow to the opposite knee, while maintaining a tight core.
Slowly roll forward on the ball with control while keeping your core tight.
Plate / dumbbell / barbell front raise With the weight in your hands, stand with your feet about shoulder - width apart, slightly bent knees, and a tight cWith the weight in your hands, stand with your feet about shoulder - width apart, slightly bent knees, and a tight cwith your feet about shoulder - width apart, slightly bent knees, and a tight core.
Place your feet into the straps so they're looped around your arch near your ankle and start in a high plank position with your core tight, palms under shoulders.
What I want you to really work on with this exercise is keeping your core tight and minimizing your body movement or sway as much as possible.
Step 3: With a straight back and tight core, pull the Steel Mace to your chest and then lower back down.
Keep the barbell overhead with your feet together and your core tight.
Keep your core tight as you catch the Steel Mace, absorbing the force with your upper body.
Form: While keeping your core tight slowly the dumbbell out to the side until parallel with your body.
In seated position with legs outstretched but relaxed, knees slightly bend, lean back a bit and throw up Ugi and catch it while balancing and holding core tight.
Form: While keeping your core tight, inhale and slowly lower the dumbbells out to the side until they are about parallel with your body.
Form: While keeping your core tight slowly lower the dumbbell out to the side until parallel with your body.
As with most of the exercises on this list, remember to keep your weight centered over your heels, and be sure to initiate the movement by pressing your hips backward, keeping your core tight and strong throughout.
A primary goal of Kundalini Yoga is a spiritual awakening, so Joan Shivarpita Harrigan, a brahmacharini (Vedic nun) and director of Patanjali Kundalini Yoga Care USA in Knoxville, Tennessee, isn't at all concerned with the purely physical aspects of Sun Salutations, such as opening the hamstrings or building a tight core.
Low back pain can occur for a number of reasons such as a specific injury or condition or general causes such as sitting with poor posture, weak core muscles, tight hips and hamstrings.
With your back, shoulders, and core tight, push your knees and butt out and you begin your descent.
Form: While keeping your abs and core tight, bring one knee in towards your opposite elbow, and try to touch your elbow with your knee.
Setting up in a normal push - up position with a straight back and a tight core, you then bring your hands together, making a diamond shape with your head on top and your hands the tip of the diamond.
Form: While keeping your core tight, inhale and slowly lower one arm out to the side until it is about parallel with your body.
Complete the first part of the burpee with hands on the weights, keeping the core extra tight.
As you perform the single arm reverse fly with kettlebell, keep the core tight (contract glutes and abdominals) and try not to twist.
You want to keep your lower back arched and tight, along with your core.
Article by: Asma Kassam, Burnaby Vancouver Kinesiologist / Personal Trainer specializing in Fitness and Active Rehab — back pain Low back pain can occur for a number of reasons such as a specific injury or condition or general causes such as sitting with poor posture, weak core muscles, tight hips and hamstrings.
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