Sentences with phrase «without body language cues»

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Because so much of communication is derived from nonverbal cues such as body language, an effectively - written email is particularly important: without those nonverbal cues, emails can so easily get misinterpreted, at best leading to minor misunderstandings, and at worst, derailing important business projects.
When you're having a discussion in the abstract, it's easy to set people off without being conscious of it, since you miss the body language and other social cues that would normally inform your behavior, says Chris Mooney, co-author of Unscientific America.
As a matter of fact, convincing someone without the use of body language cues is always a liittle difficult.
As a matter of fact, convincing someone without the use of body language cues is always a liittle difficult... Read More»
Online, without nonverbal cueswithout the ability to look into someone's eyes, observe their body language, hear the fluctuations in their tone of voice — we can not intuit intention or vicariously experience their feelings.
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