Sentences with phrase «without jail time»

Without jail time, I would never have gotten the opportunity.
James B. Donovan (Tom Hanks), a simple lawyer, was tasked with creating a case to allow the US government to release the Soviet spy without jail time - a request that seemed almost impossible in the face of Cold War prejudice.
I want to be the wellness equivalent of GOOP or the Martha Stewart of yoga — without the jail time and the tax evasion.

Not exact matches

Speaking generally, without naming names, about those responsible for the toxic investment vehicles of the time, Cramer said: «They didn't rob a 7 - Eleven, where they would go to jail.
Mass incarceration plays a role here: More than half of black men without a high school degree do some jail time before they turn 30.
Laws making homosexuality punishable by jail time in Uganda, and lack of property rights for women in India and the Middle East contribute to the AIDS epidemic by leaving people vulnerable to the disease without the legal standing to seek help, said Joseph Deiss, president of the UN General Assembly at the ceremony.
The researchers also found that offenders who participated in the MHC who also had substance use problems had a 4.76 times greater decrease in jail time from repeat offending when compared to offenders without substance use problems who participated in the MHC.
It's public information and goes without saying that she shouldn't be talking about her jail time.
The man apparently has two arrest warrants for petty theft and driving without a licence and is said to have served time in jail for various misdemeanours.
But of course, as the world knows, he did succeed and even got off without doing jail time.
I feel now, as I did then, that it is our responsibility as engages citizens to expect now - President Barack Obama to live up to the promises that made him an appealing candidate... As Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Letter from Birmngham Jail reminds us, «Human progress never rolls in on wheels of inevitability; it comes from the tireless efforts of men willing to be coworkers with God, and without this hard work, time itself becomes an ally of the forces of social stagnation.»
And you can't secretly buy a life insurance policy on someone else — at least not without committing forgery and risking jail time.
Some restrictions that various versions of BSL impose are: - muzzling and leashing in public - muzzling and leashing in cars - extra-short leash lengths - automatic dangerous or vicious dog designation, without any bite history - banning from city parks and beaches where other breeds are allowed - banning from leash - free parks where other breeds are allowed - banning completely from jurisdiction (although sometimes existing dogs are allowed to stay)- special (i.e., more expensive) licensing and jurisdiction - wide registry - special tags identifying the dog as a restricted dog - mandatory microchipping and photograph - mandatory insurance (often one million dollars) for each individual dog on the premises - mandatory signage indicating the presence of the dog on the owner's property - mandatory secure enclosures (in some cases, mandatory chaining)- mandatory spay / neuter (to eventually eliminate the breed entirely)- higher fines and / or jail time if a restricted breed bites or menaces - fines and / or jail time for any infraction of any provision regarding restricted breeds - age limit for walking the dog in public - persons with criminal records not allowed to own a restricted breed - ability of law enforcement to stop owners on the street just to check the dog's status - ability of law enforcement to seize dogs without proof of wrongdoing - ability of law enforcement to enter an owner's home, with or without a warrant, to investigate and / or seize a dog
Our personal experiences are not so different, except that some places do some things differently, and people not only get fired for too many backups, they get walked out the door without severence, their homes get searched, they may be sued or serve jail time, and if they're in the military, they may serve it in solitary..
This month, Hansen publicly defended Tim DeChristopher, the student who faces jail time for bidding on oil leases, without any money, to prevent drilling.
During the period of political instability in Ghana following a long series of bloody coups, Amenga - Etego was seized and jailed without trial many times for heading student protests.
Consequently, it makes no sense to simply go to court without a lawyer when not expecting any jail time if convicted (even if that expectation turns out to be correct), when considering the importance of a lawyer to work to beat the charge in the first place, to advocate for no active jail time if convicted, to pursue the most extensive restricted driving privileges if convicted.
Many courts have moved to videoconferencing technology so that they can hold brief hearings with jail inmates without requiring jail staff to undergo the time - consuming and risky process of transporting inmates to court.
You can think he deserves jail time without thinking he committed treason, though.
State Jail felony: minimum 6 months in state jail, maximum 2 years in state jail, without credit for «good time», and up to $ 5,000 Jail felony: minimum 6 months in state jail, maximum 2 years in state jail, without credit for «good time», and up to $ 5,000 jail, maximum 2 years in state jail, without credit for «good time», and up to $ 5,000 jail, without credit for «good time», and up to $ 5,000 fine
Depending on the charges against you, without PTI you may face fines, jail time and loss of certain rights.
Without the assistance of a criminal defense law firm, you may face serious penalties, including costly fines and jail time.
Without the assistance of a seasoned attorney who understands the intricacies of the law you may face serious jail time.
And we can all grow up to four plants without risking jail time.
If the judge is convinced that the offender broke one or more of the conditions without a lawful or reasonable excuse, the judge may make the offender serve the remaining time in jail.
If you drive without a license you can face penalties that include monetary fines, summary probation, and even time in jail.
Driving without a driver's license or with a suspended license is a crime, which could result in jail time and fines if convicted.
ILS Director of Research Andrew Davies, a co-investigator on the study, said having no access to an attorney before court can mean jail time without discussion of bail.»
The problem with this legislation, according to the court, was the potential for jail time, without the necessity of the government to prove mens rea, or some element of fault on the part of the accused.
The law gives judges the authority to suspend driver's licenses, impose fines and order jail time for people who deny non-custodial parent visitation rights without having good cause.
If you're caught driving without insurance a third time (or more), the penalties are a fine of $ 500, up to six months in jail, or both.
If one is caught speeding and without insurance, fines and penalties, including jail time, could be in your immediate future.
Without a doubt, the legal fees and pending fine and jail time can be expensive and even a bit scary.
The CFA's research has found that the possible penalties for driving without insurance (first offense) include a fine of $ 500 or more in 33 states; license suspension in 32 states; and jail time in 14 states.
If you're caught driving without insurance just once, you can face serious penalties like fines, a driver's license suspension and even jail time.
If you are caught driving without insurance, you could face fines and jail time.
The penalties for getting caught driving without insurance in Kansas include fines of up to a thousand dollars and jail time of up to six months for first offenders.
Remember, if you're caught driving without insurance in Kansas, you'll be charged with a Class B misdemeanor, which means a fine (usually $ 300 - 1,000) and possibly the maximum jail time of six months.
Drivers caught without the required insurance face fines of $ 500 to $ 5,000 and possible jail time of up to one year.
Drivers operating their vehicles without proper and adequate legally binding auto coverage face the possibility of fines, license and registration revocation, and even probation or jail time depending on the laws of the state.
But while hawking energy drinks or Lululemon apparel without disclosing it might get you a slap on the wrist and a fine from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), once you move into securities and investments, you're risking jail time.
So the traditional way to wholesale (find a discounted property, get it under contract and market it to a cash buyer) is starting to get the attention of state regulators especially in California, Ohio and Florida and fines and jail time are being issued to those who are marketing / selling properties they don't own without a license.
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