Sentences with phrase «women take the pill»

If a woman takes the pill AFTER she is pregnant.
Women take the pill for a variety of reasons, whether they're married or not.
So, sadly, some women taking the pill end up with a prescription for antidepressants, which is completely unnecessary when we have natural ways to treat the root causes of this and other symptoms.
Many women taking the Pill have reported weight gain — a sign of estrogen dominance and / or insulin resistance — as well as depression and even psychosis.
The study did not directly compare IUDs with emergency contraception pills, but other studies of women taking the pills have shown that 1.4 to 3 percent become pregnant, said study researcher Kelly Cleland, a public health researcher at Princeton University.
Of particular interest is the fact that women taking the pill do not exhibit the ovulation - specific attraction to genetically dissimilar partners.

Not exact matches

Like a lot of women who take hormonal birth control, some men gained weight on the pill.
Several decades later, Weight Watchers surged in popularity, and in the 1970s, women were encouraged to take sleeping pills whenever they felt hungry.
According to the Mayo Clinic, most women who stop taking the pill will have their period resume within three months after stopping their prescriptions.
In clinical trials, women taking the pink pill reported having about one more sexually satisfying experience per month than those taking a placebo.
This has nothing to do with womens health... if you work, you can afford to buy the pill, if you don't work it will be provided for you, and last but not least, you have planned parenthood that is more than happy to take care of all of your reproductive needs.
Most women are monogamous, and taking the pill to control the how and when they start a family (or add to it) rather than just sleeping around.
Also, as a non-Catholic woman who had to take birth control pills starting at 14 (due to anovulatory issues), I find the Catholic church's policy to be an outdated one.
The Catholic church is not arguing women like from taking the pill to control hormoes, or commit an abortion for that matter.
Where is your brain woman??? What kind of pills have YOU been taking?
Because these contraceptives are not used properly (e.g. some women forget to take the Pill on a daily basis), the failure rates (from Guttmacher) are 8.7 % and 17.4 % respectively.
And all because many women fail to take the Pill once a day or men fail to use a condom even though in most cases these men have them in their pockets.
And she wouldn't take just one multivitamin pill, she had to take one of each vitamin, one at a time from A to Z. Another woman started taking Ibuprofen nonstop.
He establishes this point through ipse dixit («The middle - class nuclear family will not be restored to its former place, nor do most people want it to be»), the persuasive force of clichés about the sexual revolution (Had you heard that the 1960s gave us a pill that allowed women to take control of their bodies?)
if a woman takes a blade to her throat or downs a few dozens sleeping pills, is it legal to stop her or try to save her?
Don't rightly care about Russ but I am curious... if a woman takes a blade to her throat or downs a few dozens sleeping pills, is it legal to stop her or try to save her?
Married women whose birth control method has been compromised take this pill.
I pray that you quit thinking that all women who take the pill are sleeping around!!
1 they don't want this birth control because it includes the morning after pill that woman can take even after a week after, and can be use to end it after the first month.
Also, husband and wife often will not communicate about fertility and child - bearing — the woman just takes the Pill and that's that — which reinforces a lack of respect for his wife and the gift of her fertility.
The failure of the Pill as noted above results in one million unplanned pregnancies every year because women basically fail to take it once a day as prescribed.
With most oral contraception, a woman takes a daily pill, usually a combination of estrogen and progestin.
Millions of women who are your mothers and even grandmothers since the 1960's have taken the pills.
Many women, my girlfriend for one, take the Pill to treat endometriosis, a painful and dangerous condition.
Especially, individuals during their puberty and women during their menstrual cycles, pregnancy or menopause and while taking birth control pills, they are more prone to have oily skin.
«We treat those types of patients very simply, normally with clomiphene citrate, which is a pill that will normalize ovulation,» says Dr. Marrs, «If that doesn't work in certain cases of ovulatory dysfunction, women will take natural FSH, follicle stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone which are the two hormones in the pituitary gland that create ovulation within the ovarian follicle system.»
Large doses of fenugreek, typically taken through pills (such as the 610 mg to 5,490 mg dosage that is commonly suggested to help boost milk supply), can be contraindicated in women with diabetes or hypothyroidism.
If a woman with diabetes or hypothyroidism takes such high doses of fenugreek by pill that her urine and sweat start to smell like maple syrup, that means her blood sugar and thyroid level could be altered.
Well if she wants children and he doesn't then she'll do what most women do — i.e. «forget» to take her birth control pills while pleading ignorance as to how she got pregnant.
This pill has been known to cause some side effects in women who take it, especially when taking more than one pill in a relatively short amount of time.
If possible, women who are breastfeeding should avoid the pill, or at least wait until the baby is taking other foods (usually around 6 months of age).
However, some women who take the pill, even the progestin only pill, find that their milk supply decreases.
Women report feeling awesome when taking their placenta pills.
However, some women who take the pill, even the mini-pill, find that their milk supply decreases.
If possible, women who are breastfeeding should avoid the pill, or at least wait until the baby is taking other foods (usually 4 - 6 months of age).
Additionally, some women find themselves pregnant with twins after conceiving while breastfeeding or taking birth control pills.
The advantage to the progesterone - only pill is that if you notice you are one of those women who do experience a drop in supply, you could choose to stop taking it immediately, whereas the Kyleena IUD is a multi-year commitment (up to five years); although you could always choose to have it removed.
The shot appeals to some women who want a highly effective method of contraception but don't want (or can't use) an IUD, can't take estrogen, or have trouble remembering to take pills.
I have known women who had tried all of this you know but didn't work and then they would start taking birth control pills, obviously that in my opinion would be the last resort just because you know if you don't have to take medication while you deal.
You've heard about women who became pregnant as soon as they stopped taking the pill.
You can never be sure in a woman - donor: what she ate, if she has mastitis or not, whether she took any pill in the evening, etc..
If possible, women who are breastfeeding should avoid the pill until the baby is taking other foods (usually 4 - 6 months of age).
Finally, when women first stop taking the birth - control pill, their pituitary glands kick in with higher amounts of stimulation than usual, so the chance of conceiving twins is greater in the first month off the pill.
There was a study done where some woman took a placebo pill and others a fish oil supplement that contained 300 milligrams of DHA.
However, pregnancy may sometimes occur when a woman doesn't take her pills on a regular basis.
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