Sentences with phrase «womens fear of intimacy»

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When the author recalls the long gallery of persons whom, in the course of this inquiry, he has come to know with the impetuous but temporary intimacy of the stranger — sharecroppers and plantation owners, workers and employers, merchants and bankers, intellectuals, preachers, organization leaders, political bosses, gangsters, black and white, men and women, young and old, Southerners and Northerners — the general observation retained is the following: Behind all outward dissimilarities, behind their contradictory valuations, rationalizations, vested interests, group allegiances and animosities, behind fears and defense constructions, behind the role they play in life and the mask they wear, people are all much alike on a fundamental level And they are all good people.
That has enabled me to actually remain chaste for years because my needs for intimacy are met through rich relationships with both men and women, which didn't happen when I was disconnected out of fear.
Men and women with commitment issues tend to have a deep fear of intimacy, and their feelings are borne of a learned negative opinion of love and relationships.
While there is nothing to fear if you are a bisexual woman, the taboo is still there and you really wouldn't want the world to know what you enjoy in terms of physical intimacy.
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