Sentences with phrase «x-ray binary»

Abstract: We present an INTEGRAL observation of the Cen - Crux region in order to search the electron cyclotron resonance scattering features from the X-ray binary pulsars.
Especially from GX301 - 2, the cyclotron resonance feature is detected at about 37 keV, and width of 3... ▽ More We present an INTEGRAL observation of the Cen - Crux region in order to search the electron cyclotron resonance scattering features from the X-ray binary pulsars.
«Several interpretations of the nature of this system have been proposed, from an isolated slowly spinning magnetar with a substantial fossil - disk, to a young low mass X-ray binary system, or even a binary magnetar, but none of them is straightforward, nor can they explain the overall observational properties,» researchers said in a study, published in the Sept. 2, 2016, issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
A typical X-ray binary source consists of a close double star system in which one member is a very compact object.
Several of them are X-ray binary systems that contain a neutron star or black hole orbiting a Sun - like star.
Specifically, the most energetic iron emission they studied is characteristic of so - called x-ray binary starsduos comprised of a dense stellar object such as a white dwarf star, a neutron star or a black hole that collects matter from a less dense companion, emitting x-rays in the process.
Astronomers have seen them shooting out of young stars just being formed, X-ray binary stars and even the supermassive black holes at the centers of large galaxies.
«This was particularly intriguing because radio pulses don't come from an X-ray binary and the X-ray source has to be long gone before radio signals can emerge.»
The system is called an X-ray binary because it emits X-rays as material from the companion star spirals onto the much denser neutron star and is heated to very high temperatures.
«Various observations of one particular star over the years and with different telescopes have revealed vastly different things — at one time a pulsar and the other an X-ray binary,» said Alessandro Papitto of the Institute of Space Sciences (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas — Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya) in Barcelona, Spain, and lead author of a paper published in the journal Nature.
If the neutron star begins life as an X-ray binary, however, the matter accumulating on its surface causes the neutron star to «spin up,» increasing its rate of rotation until it spins hundreds of times each second.
Astrosat's multiwavelength capability could pay special dividends with sources that flare up rapidly, such as x-ray binaries.
An overabundance of black hole X-ray binaries in the galactic center from tidal captures.
The first such black hole to be observed was Cygnus X-1, and there are now a number of well - measured X-ray binaries with black holes of...
«What we're seeing is a star that is the cosmic equivalent of «Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,» with the ability to change from one form to its more intense counterpart with startling speed,» said Scott Ransom, an astronomer at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) in Charlottesville, Va. «Though we have known that X-ray binaries — some of which are observed as X-ray pulsars — can evolve over millions of years to become rapidly spinning radio pulsars, we were surprised to find one that seemed to swing so quickly between the two.»
X-ray binaries, as their name implies, occur in a two - star system in which a neutron star is accompanied by a more normal, low - mass star.
An earlier study of another system with the GBT detected the first evidence of an accretion disk around a neutron star, which helped establish the link between low - mass X-ray binaries and pulsars.
By contrast, such features have not been observed from «normal» black hole X-ray binaries in the Milky Way where sub-critical accretion takes place.
At least six of those x-ray sources — and possibly all 12 — are likely to be what astronomers call x-ray binaries, Hailey says.
The work may also help shed light on how x-ray binaries form and develop, Harrison says.
Such isolated black holes would be too dim to discern at the galactic core, but the x-ray binaries serve as a tracer suggesting they're there — and in really big numbers.
However, emissions from x-ray binaries that include neutron stars often surge suddenly and then subside at least once every 5 to 10 years, Hailey explains.
Postdoc 2012 - 2017 Research interests: astronomical instrumentation, X-ray binaries, globular clusters, variable stars, extrasolar planets
Her research is on spectral - timing analysis of X-ray binaries.
In outburst, neutron star X-ray binaries produce less powerful jets than black holes at a given X-ray luminosity.
Nearby galaxies (e.g., the Andromeda Galaxy) are detected by the emission from constituent X-ray binaries.
X-ray binaries account for most of the sources discovered during the initial years of X-ray astronomy, including Scorpius X-1.
Comments: To be published in Proceedings of «A Population Explosion: The Nature and Evolution of X-ray Binaries in Diverse Environments», 28 Oct - 2 Nov, St. Pete Beach, FL; eds.
With FLAMINGOS - 2's multi-object IR spectrograph we will obtain 1000s of IR spectra of candidate X-ray source counterparts, allowing us to efficiently identify the nature of these sources, and thus dramatically increase the number of known X-ray binaries and CVs in the Milky Way.
His main interests are neutron stars (especially magnetars and neutron stars in low - mass X-ray binaries), supermassive black holes (especially the one in our galaxy, called Sagittarius A *) and astrophysical gravitational waves.
The European X-ray Observatory Satellite (EXOSAT), originally named HELOS, was an X-ray telescope operational from May 1983 until April 1986 and in that time made 1780 observations in the X-ray band of most classes of astronomical object including active galactic nuclei, stellar coronae, cataclysmic variables, white dwarfs, X-ray binaries, clusters of galaxies, and supernova remnants.

Not exact matches

Hailey and his team used Chandra data because black holes at the galactic center should be most visible via x-rays, produced when the black holes form a binary system with a low - mass star and feed on their captured companion.
The energy spectrum and periodic fluctuations of the X-rays, recorded by the INTEGRAL satellite, suggest they are coming from young binary...
The energy spectrum and periodic fluctuations of the X-rays, recorded by the INTEGRAL satellite, suggest they are coming from young binary star systems in which a neutron star is stealing matter from its massive companion.
The flicker of X-rays from the odd binary system was monitored by a detector aboard the International Space Station.
The binary star system was emitting X-rays, which are not usually produced by blue supergiants.
It is an X-ray emitting binary star near the edge of our galaxy, about 30,000 light - years away.
The team sifted through data from all the x-ray sources situated within 70 light - years of Sgr A *, searching for those that had characteristics of black holes and neutron stars in binary systems and found four sources within just three light - years of the central black hole.
But when Demos Kazanas at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and his colleagues looked at 18 years» worth of X-ray observations of neutron stars in binary systems in the Small Magellanic Cloud, they found that half were slowing down — at the same rate as the others were accelerating.
DEADLIEST BLAST In the binary galaxy 3C321, an enormous black hole pummels a neighboring galaxy with a high - energy jet (illustrated here) brimming with X-rays and gamma rays.
«Many sources that emit transient X-ray flares, such as black hole binary star systems, also have associated radio emission.
One of the component stars of the binary X-ray system Cygnus X-1 is a black hole.
Astronomers have combined data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, the Hubble Space Telescope and the National Science Foundation's Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) to conclude that a peculiar source of radio waves thought to be a distant galaxy is actually a nearby binary star system containing a low - mass star and a black hole.
Unlike the majority of binary X-ray sources, the visible member does not appear to be very massive; it is only 42 percent the mass of the Sun.
GW170608 is the lightest black hole binary that LIGO and Virgo have observed — and so is one of the first cases where black holes detected through gravitational waves have masses similar to black holes detected indirectly via electromagnetic radiation, such as X-rays.
For example, if a black hole is a member of a binary star system, matter flowing into it from its companion becomes intensely heated and then radiates X-rays copiously before entering the event horizon of the black hole and disappearing forever.
By determining the nature of these X-ray sources, this FLAMINGOS - 2 Galactic Center Survey will have a dramatic impact on our knowledge of the Galactic accreting binary population.
Though a significant number of these astrometric matches are likely to be spurious, we sought out spectral characteristics of active stars and interacting binaries, such as hot, massive spectral types or emission lines in order to corroborate the X-ray activity and certify the authenticity of the match.
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