Sentences with phrase «yes of course»

Yes of course the tapestry would be perfect!
I am LUCKY to get my bed make at all in a day, if it does happen it's around 3 PM in the afternoon Yes of COURSE kevin can make a bed..
Yes of course, they always do!
[Comment From RoomenvyRoomenvy:] OOoooh bamboo flooring, yes of course.
Is it of concern to some in the moment, of course, and like all other significant change will it have impacts leading up to it and the transition through it, yes of course.
Yes of course, inflation is a big help when you can lock in a fixed rate mortgage for 30 years because those dollars they (the bank / creditor) loaned you becomes worth less and less!
If both people are wanting to work on it, yes of course it would make it easier.
And yes of course it will charge faster
So blatant when they was comparing the s6 edge to a year and half older iPhone 7 loool then when they compared the dynamic range they said «look how well iPhone still Oleg up the shadow dark parts» yes of course cus that's all it picked up look at the outside there's ZERO detail.
Yes of course, The course is perfectly designed to train you well and will help you to drive a car confidently.
Juvenile shadenfreude aside -(and ignoring the double - edged ignorance of lawyers and the judiciary regarding the lack of a scientific evidentiary basis for the use of even contemporary «psychology» in law, much less Freud's poetic imagination)- yes of course Woolley is right and Semple is as usual on - target --(and so consistently (oh how can I resist «Sempsible») he can be an honorary member of Our Club.
Yes of course money buts law or anything for sale..
Yes of course courtesy takes time, which is why there's so little of it.
So yes of course if we used a better approximation of the emissivity's involved we would have better results.
Well yes of course, no one is arguing that fact, but the way that this language is used is to undermine the serious issues associated with anthropogenic climate change.
«Yes of course it will happen, but we need to get behind it.»
With your cup of coffee, it doesn't matter if you are in the Arctic or just have a snowbank, the temperature difference between the coffee and the snow is the same (yes of course the mass of snow will determine the final temperature of each, but the heat transfer is a function of the difference in temperatures not the mass)
Yes of course temperature tells you energy «emitted».
Yes of course, I was struck immediately by the read - across to climate science.
Well yes of course it is the science basis — and it is freely available.
Yes of course we know more about the climate system than we did in 1991, but more knowledge about the complex climate systems opens up new areas of ignorance and greater uncertainty.
Yes of course Titley would like us to believe that the peer - review process is credible and robust because that way, he and his similarly slippery colleagues might be able to wriggle out of the proposal currently being touted by EPA chief Scott Pruitt that there should be a Red Team / Blue Team reassessment of the state of climate science.
But a few hours or weeks or centuries later» Yes of course all energy will ultimately end up as thermal energy as predicted in Kelvins heat death of the universe.
Thank you, yes of course it is local Antarctic temperature.
Well, yes of course it is, and it doesn't matter, whether it's «his» or «hers», or who's actually said it.
Well yes of course, but surely you will acknowledge that a carbon footprint (by living close to work and amenities) is smaller (per person) with urban density.
Yes of course... the sun is shutting down into a Maunder Minimum II nap time.
We need awareness yes of course, but we also need a bigger better more immediate plan of action and we need it NOW.
Yes of course fighting climate change and the economy go together its just what you mean by economy as this meeting pointed out so clearly.
Yes of course, markets work and, if sufficiently free (of both regulation and monopoly power), will find the lowest cost solutions to our problems.
Re # 3:» Yes of course, markets work and, if sufficiently free (of both regulation and monopoly power), will find the lowest cost solutions to our problems.»
Yes of course 13C of the atmosphere varies naturally.
Yes of course infinite growth is impossible on a finite planet.
Yes of course climate change had played a part, that goes without saying, no one can say quantifiably to exactly what extent.
Yes of course — the main variation is that, at any one moment in time, each unit increase of atmospheric CO2 has less radiative forcing than the last, following the logarithmic proportionality discussed earlier.
In terms of understanding the larger picture, yes of course.
Yes of course but the above points are still valid (only in my opinion of course).
[Response: Yes of course.
«Why yes of course I was interested in writing some demos and starter kits... of course I can keep it secret till August.»
Yes of course I knew SEC.
And if it is, you'll have a good time if the games library meets your expectations, because the Switch is super cool, has a ton of potential, makes up for a lot of Wii U fails, is fun and impressive to hold as a mobile device, and yes of course, Breath of the Wild really is that good on it!
@Radnom > Yes of course, English books only;) The translation of these books is currently in production!
Yes of course playing games takes the number one spot on the list again.
So yes of course let's see the «in depth» information.
Yes of course, after the campaign there will be a survey where you can select your platform of choice!
@Simon George: Yes of course.
Yes of course I dare say it's a big announcement regarding Fable II, next week!»
Yes of course that was all a joke.
What else... oh yes of course.
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