Sentences with phrase «yoyo model»

Now, the wheels are very small so I don't think it can handle road as well as Yoyo model.

Not exact matches

I think it's safe to say that the Babyzen Yoyo is the MOST popular model among traveling parents with kids.
This new and improved model can now be used with a car seat and can switch from the car to the Yoyo + with one easy click.
After seeing the popularity of Babyzen Yoyo and Mountain Buggy Nano, Baby Jogger decided also to come up a super compact model called City Tour.
The Yoyo + 2016 is one of the most popular models among traveling parents because it's light (only 13 lbs), super compact, and can transform into a travel system.
This also allows it to have a compact one - hand fold that is close to a very popular carry - on compliant Babyzen Yoyo + model.
These are major touchpoints and the main justification for a subscription based model, once again Sony and Microsoft had subsidized the actual export process and now they do not; YoYo Games could have just left it at compiling to the target but that would leave console developers, especially Indie console developers to handle all technical issues alone.
Mike responded with some much needed information and clarification on why a subscription model was pursued by YoYo Games for the GameMaker Studio 2 Console Export Modules:
Whereas the Yoyo (S) and (M) are purely Bluetooth wireless speakers, this new (L) model adds some extra connections that enable it to double up as a home theatre solution and boost the sound from your TV.
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