Sentences with phrase «aaaahed over»

Your little house are sooooo precious, my daughter and I just read the whole post together and then studied each little house and ooohed and aaaahed over each one.
The dress I'm wearing them with needed to be taken in; I took the shoes with me to the tailor and everyone in the place ooohed and aaaahed over them.
We've all oohed and aaaahed over Peter de Souza's photos of Obama.
Unfortunately I do not have a mantel in my new home (I've played around with the idea of DIYing a faux fireplace and mantel but it'll be some time before that get's done) so for now I'll oooh and aaaah over your linky party mantels and absorb some inspiration from them.
Create a Thanksgiving centerpiece that your guests will ooooh and aaaah over!

Not exact matches

my 3 yr old daughter is sitting here «ooohing» and «aaaahing» over every picture... and when she saw the chocolates she exclaimed with delight...» OHHHH!!!
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