Sentences with phrase «abandoned coal mine»

As I've written, the RECLAIM Act, H.R. 1731, would release $ 1 billion over 5 years to clean up and repurpose long - abandoned coal mines.
efforts at abandoned coal mines, promising to remediate only the highest threats to clean water and public health.
Furthermore, the budget slashes funding for the Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Program's inland oil spill preparedness program by 80 percent, and cuts another $ 11 million from BLM as the agency aims to limit new cleanup efforts at abandoned coal mines, promising to remediate only the highest threats to clean water and public health.
In January 2010, the AP Press reported that $ 395 million was available for abandoned coal mine reclamation funds provided by the U.S. Department of the Interior.
Vessels Coal Gas is a Colorado - based company, founded by technical mine experts expressly for the purpose of developing coal mine methane capture projects at working and abandoned coal mines in the United States.
Methane from abandoned coal mines can be collected and flared, and thereby be destroyed.
Abandoned coal mine methane capture: Coal mines are a major source of methane emissions in the US, as methane gas naturally exists in coal beds and is released into the atmosphere through mine shafts.
This database primarily covers abandoned coal mines.
Did you know there are 48,529 abandoned coal mines in the United States which are known to pose a threat to the public and / or the environment?
With some guidance from a GIS specialist at OSM we believe this map provides a decent overview of the known high - priority abandoned coal mines, but please let us know if you discover any mistakes by commenting below.
The toxic sludge is often stored in open impoundments (huge ponds) or injected into abandoned coal mines, causing major concern over drinking water contamination.
Before leaving this beautiful park we'll have lunch and then hike back along the canyon rim to an abandoned coal mine to explore some relics.
Unemployed men are taking over abandoned coal mines to extract what's left.
If one were to take the believer's approach, one should live about a mile down an abandoned coal mine to avoid a very, very unlikely, but fatal meteor impact.
A federally backed national rural innovation fund would send a strong message that there is more to rural America than just shuttered factories and abandoned coal mines.
And in Georgia's communities that are abandoning coal, folks are wondering why their plants are going dark while others are being upgraded.
The state's environmental community had been gearing up for a ballot initiative this year that would have forced the state's utilities to abandon coal as a fuel for electricity.
To abandon coal all together would strip a life and source of income away from countless thousands of people in our country, leaving them with nothing to do and nowhere to go.
Instead of abandoning coal, China is developing cleaner and higher - efficiency coal plants — and, as a boon to its plan for greater regional influence, aims to export the technology abroad.
And dittos for abandoning coal.
The best way, and for all practical purposes, probably the only way, to get other countries to abandon coal is to give them a seemingly magical new technology that is lower cost than coal, with the same 24 × 7 baseline power reliability, but without the CO2 emissions.

Not exact matches

Southern Company has been making a lot of the right moves in my opinion from abandoning the Clean Coal Project to looking to position themselves as a clean energy company.
Enck criticized Trump for moving to abandon the Obama administration's Clean Power Plan, and for «using coal miners as media props» when he announced his decision.
It continues to burn today, moving through a vast network of abandoned mines that are still littered and lined with coal.
In September 2005, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a United Nations organization that includes scientists from nearly every country in the world, released a report estimating that 2 trillion tons of carbon dioxide could be stored in old coal mines, abandoned oil and gas fields, and in various other geologic formations around the world.
Executive - turned - environmentalist Ian Dunlop says that mining corporations will have to abandon much of their coal to avoid climate and business suicide
Hard - won reductions in the environmental toxin could be erased if Trump proceeds with plans to resuscitate the coal industry and abandon climate initiatives
Like all TTX properties, Vermejo is especially rich in history, containing coal and gold mining settlements, adobe ruins, petroglyphs, artifacts and abandoned charcoal ovens.
Acid mine drainage (AMD) refers to the outflow of acidic water from coal or metal mines, often abandoned ones where ore - or coal mining activities have exposed rocks containing the sulphur - bearing mineral pyrite.
Yan highlights the empty streets around the luxury towers of Coal Harbour, where one in four condos are non-resident occupied, as an illustration of Vancouver's abandoned homes problem.
A public friendly program carried out at UC Santa Barbara's Coal Oil Point Reserve sandy beach by volunteers has been instrumental in changing the beach from one abandoned by Western Snowy Plovers as a breeding site to one where eggs are now being laid once again.
Brush these requests off and they'll come back later with tougher demands, but accept and accomplish these little quests and your people will gain hope, although failing comes with consequences There are also the various events you encounter via your exploration teams who are exploring the wasteland, stumbling upon refugees, abandoned cities, coal mines and more.
Set in Colorado, Coal Mine is a winter map that is spotted with abandoned buildings.
Lesser - known designs are also featured, including a never - realized, coal - shaped skyscraper for a 2007 national design competition held by the nation of Andorra — a contest that was eventually (and perhaps wisely) abandoned.
He combines fantastical technologies with images drawn from the mining town of Centralia, Pennsylvania, a town abandoned following an underground coal fire that started in 1962 and continues to this day.
However, during the 1960s he abandoned traditional painting in favour of a host of everyday materials with which he created sculptures and installations, using wool, coal, iron, stones, earth, wood and even, controversially, live animals.
The wrong way is to jeopardize our energy and economic security by abandoning nuclear power and our nation's huge reserves of coal.
There's scant evidence that well - meaning efforts to raise public awareness and will around the climate challenge will engender willingness to abandon the fuels of convenience — coal and oil — particularly where expanded energy use matters most, in the fast - growing nations of the developing world.
Of course, in March, 2001, just two months into his term and under strong pressure from oil, coal, and car companies, Mr. Bush abandoned that pledge.
President Obama was right when he campaigned on the idea that the country has to abandon its «shock to trance» approach to energy policy and investment if it ever hopes to cut the addiction to oil pointed out by his predecessor, not to mention the persistent allure of coal («clean» or otherwise).
As long as fossil fuels wind up being abandoned, it doesn't matter how it happens, and it's probably more effective to use humor and economics against the pro-fossil-fuel crowd (oil & coal industries).
But the prospect has spawned a fierce lobbying effort by conservative Republicans and some coal, oil and industry groups, which are urging Mr. Bush to abandon his campaign stance and any mention of carbon dioxide.
But once solar, tidal, or other power is cheaper than coal, coal will be gradually abandoned due to market pressure.
Once in office, Mr. Bush did a complete turnaround in March 2001, abandoning that pledge under intensive lobbying of the White House by coal and oil companies, and industries whose profits depend on selling things that use energy.
Even after decades of increasingly dire warnings, the US has still not passed comprehensive federal legislation to combat global warming; Canada has abandoned past pledges in order to exploit its emissions - heavy tar sands; China continues to depend on coal for its energy production; Indonesia's effort to stem widespread deforestation is facing stiff resistance from industry; Europe is mulling pulling back on its more ambitious cuts if other nations do not join it; northern nations are scrambling to exploit the melting Arctic for untapped oil and gas reserves; and fossil fuels continue to be subsidized worldwide to the tune of $ 400 billion.
When the president announced his intent to abandon the Clean Power Plan this spring and then withdraw from the Paris agreement this summer, one of the biggest reasons cited was to protect the coal jobs sustaining communities in places like Appalachia.
Platts editors provide an update on four remaining proposed coal export terminals planned for the Pacific Northwest following the announcement that a second project had been abandoned.
«In addition to abandoning more than 80 percent of current global coal reserves, the researchers say, the world should forego extracting a third of its oil and half of its gas reserves before 2050,» National Geographic reported, with apparent approval.
The Sierra Club, which has kept a tally of proposed coal - fired power plants and their fates since 2000, reports that 152 plants in the United States have been defeated or abandoned.
He wants to send people back down the coal mines, abandon fuel efficiency standards and defund research into renewable energy.
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