Sentences with phrase «abandoned coal mines»

Did you know there are 48,529 abandoned coal mines in the United States which are known to pose a threat to the public and / or the environment?
Furthermore, the budget slashes funding for the Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Program's inland oil spill preparedness program by 80 percent, and cuts another $ 11 million from BLM as the agency aims to limit new cleanup efforts at abandoned coal mines, promising to remediate only the highest threats to clean water and public health.
The toxic sludge is often stored in open impoundments (huge ponds) or injected into abandoned coal mines, causing major concern over drinking water contamination.
And more than 5,510 miles of the state's streams are impaired by discharges from 220,000 acres of abandoned coal mine lands, Pennsylvania's worst water pollution problem.
Abandoned coal mine methane capture: Coal mines are a major source of methane emissions in the US, as methane gas naturally exists in coal beds and is released into the atmosphere through mine shafts.
With some guidance from a GIS specialist at OSM we believe this map provides a decent overview of the known high - priority abandoned coal mines, but please let us know if you discover any mistakes by commenting below.
Methane from abandoned coal mines can be collected and flared, and thereby be destroyed.
In January 2010, the AP Press reported that $ 395 million was available for abandoned coal mine reclamation funds provided by the U.S. Department of the Interior.
Vessels Coal Gas is a Colorado - based company, founded by technical mine experts expressly for the purpose of developing coal mine methane capture projects at working and abandoned coal mines in the United States.
Terrapass only supports methane capture projects at abandoned coal mines, as we seek to avoid providing any benefit or incentive to companies involved in mining operations.
Sun Microsystems is exploring a plan to lower computers into abandoned coal mines to cool them with ground water.
A federally backed national rural innovation fund would send a strong message that there is more to rural America than just shuttered factories and abandoned coal mines.
Unemployed men are taking over abandoned coal mines to extract what's left.
The vault itself was built a decade ago and was constructed in an abandoned coal mine.
Before leaving this beautiful park we'll have lunch and then hike back along the canyon rim to an abandoned coal mine to explore some relics.
But while we know this doesn't show every abandoned coal mine the country, and some sites may have been expertly reclaimed by state, federal, and non-profit initiatives, this map also underscores the alarming lack of reliable data about sites which could still cause disastrous releases of toxic wastes for decades to come.
The project helps control the negative environmental effects of an abandoned coal mine by reducing local air pollution from passive methane emissions.
efforts at abandoned coal mines, promising to remediate only the highest threats to clean water and public health.
As I've written, the RECLAIM Act, H.R. 1731, would release $ 1 billion over 5 years to clean up and repurpose long - abandoned coal mines.
A large portion of the state of Ohio is built over old, abandoned coal mines.
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