Sentences with phrase «abdominal contraction»

I mean it, the kettlebell stimulates tremendous abdominal contraction because of the explosive conditioning movements that you use it with.
Even more abdominal contraction will occur when your belly button is strongly pulled inward, as if it is trying to touch the spine.
You can say it's quite similar to playing a sport — abdominal contraction technique is going to get easier over time.
Because of this tremendous abdominal contraction and coordinated breathing it provides a very high level of conditioning which has made it popular among fighters and other elite level athletes.
Having said that, for some students it is easier to do the progressive abdominal contraction on the exhale if they engage the pelvic floor muscles as well.
Here, we intrathoracically injected fluorescently labeled 2 µm diameter microspheres and tracked their flow in the lateral and ventral abdominal hemocoel during the three principal contraction periods: (1) periods of retrograde heart contractions and abdominal rest, (2) periods of anterograde heart contractions and abdominal rest, and (3) periods of anterograde heart contractions with simultaneous ventral abdominal contractions (Figure 2).
Because there is a strong correlation between abdominal and heart contractions, we tested whether abdominal contractions play a direct role in altering hemolymph flow in the abdominal hemocoel.
To unite prana and apana, we would focus on the SYMBOLIC downward movement of the breath on the inhalation (nose — throat — chest — belly), facilitated by intentional muscular contraction, and SYMBOLIC upward movement of the breath on the exhalation (using progressive abdominal contraction from the pubic bone toward the navel and then compressing the rib cage).
The TA is also directly related to — in fact, synonymous with — Uddiyana Bandha (Upward Abdominal Lock), which is a form of gentle abdominal contraction held throughout a vinyasa practice.
This alternation between abdominal contractions and release stimulates the pancreas, increasing blood and oxygen supply.
The whole subject of bandhas is fascinating to me, since I've had some pretty amazing experiences while working with them (in seated position:)-RRB- It's just sad to me to see them diminished to a simple abdominal contraction or pelvic floor engagement, as they often are.
The resistance can be set, and maximal abdominal contraction can be achieved which is crucial for effective core training.
For example, laughing, coughing, sneezing and lifting all involve strong abdominal contractions that place significant pressure on the bladder.
Stimulate abdominal contractions while walking, running, swimming, biking or during any activity.
It usually is preceded by nausea, profuse salivation, licking of the lips, repeated swallowing, retching and forceful, uncomfortable abdominal contractions.
Regurgitation is usually effortless and does not involve heaving or forceful abdominal contractions.
Vomiting also involves prodromal signs (salivation, licking of the lips, pacing) and is typically followed by visible and vigorous abdominal contractions whereas regurgitating has none of those signs.
The data presented herein unequivocally show that ventral abdominal contractions are an integral component of the mosquito circulatory system.
This image usually works better for women, then for men When we say «zip up», we mean «progressive abdominal contraction from the pubic bone toward the navel».
So you won't hear me talk about engaging the pelvic floor nearly as much as I do about progressive abdominal contraction, unless, of course, it is the focus of the practice.
Focus on abdominal contraction, keeping your spine as neutral as you can.
Keep exhaling to help with the abdominal contraction.
This is different from filling your chest with air, you can do so by maintaining your abdominal contraction all the way through.
Intensify the abdominal contraction on the exhale.
Bring the leg back to start and repeat with the other leg for 5 or more reps.. Once you're able to complete 20 reps on each leg, without losing the abdominal contraction, move to the next
These are progressive exercises, so you'll need to master each exercise (performing 20 reps without losing your abdominal contraction) before moving onto the next.
Once you're able to complete 20 reps on each leg, without losing the abdominal contraction, move to the next exercise.
Because it has a curved back pad, abdominal contraction will be more intense, but at the same time it stretches the muscles.
Recently one of the commentators on my blog, Michele, asked me: «Why don't I hear yoga teachers talk more about «zipping up» (progressive abdominal contraction) in yoga classes?»
I often hear yoga teachers use the term «uddiyana bandha» in place of «progressive abdominal contraction».
If you do your abdominal contraction in a gradual fashion as you exhale, it will help stabilize and support your lower back (read more about the progressive abdominal contraction).
That way we create a slight abdominal compression via the abdominal contraction on the exhalation and then intensify that compression by twisting or bending forward.
When you roll down the gravity pulls you OUT of spinal flexion, which you resist with your abdominal contraction, strengthening those muscles.
The abdominal contraction is focused at the navel point.
Abdominal contractions are strong and coordinated.
This activity due to abdominal contraction may disturb intestinal activity too, thus resulting into diarrhea.
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