Sentences with phrase «abdominal distension»

"Abdominal distension" refers to the swelling or bloating of the abdomen, making it larger or more rounded than normal. Full definition
Up to 80 % of individuals living with long - term type 1 diabetes experience gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal distension, irritable bowel syndrome, and fecal incontinence.
(5) A small pilot study found that a probiotic containing Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Streptococcus faecalis, and Bifidobacterium brevis was more effective at reducing abdominal distension in SIBO patients compared to the antibiotic metronidazole.
Heartworm symptoms include coughing, exercise intolerance, increased breathing rate or effort, abdominal distension with fluid, discolored urine as well as many other symptoms, depending on the severity of the disease process.
A four week old kitten presented for abdominal distension.
It seems most probable that colic derives from one of two causes: negligent bottle feeding, which permits air to enter the nipple so that the sucking baby swallows air and experiences abdominal distension, and unnatural fermentation of carbohydrates or starches that have passed incompletely digested.»
This life - threatening medical problem causes diarrhea that is often bloody and accompanied by abdominal distension and fever.
Some deep - chested dogs may not show much abdominal distension due to their body size, so if pacing / panting / retching are seen, this is also vital!
If your dog's smelly gas is more or less constant, it's time to make an appointment with your vet, especially if he has other symptoms of a GI issue like abdominal distension, diarrhea, constipation, or weight loss.
However, abdominal distension in a dog can also be an indicator of an extremely serious medical condition called bloat.
Where abdominal pain is the major fi nding localizing abnormalities such as abdominal distension are rapidly pursued with radiography, ultrasonography and paracentesis while providing supportive treatment on the basis of physical fi ndings and a minimum data base and awaiting the results of hematology, serum chemistry profi le and urinalysis.
Other reasons for abdominal distension can be fluid distension (ascites) from heart disease and hemoabdomen from internal bleeding such as a ruptured spleen.
I carried out the operation much as I had done before, except that this time I closed the wound with a series of individual large stitches of heavy nylon, placed in such a way that they exerted a pulley effect — abdominal distension would bring the wound edges closer together.
Research published Oct. 1 provides a molecular basis for why 80 percent of patients with longstanding Type 1 diabetes have chronic gastrointestinal symptoms including gastroparesis (delayed emptying of food), irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal distension and fecal incontinence, significantly reducing their quality of life.
If you've been suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or another functional gut disorder and the associated symptoms of bloating, abdominal distension, excess wind, and unpredictable bowel motility (in other words, constipation and / or diarrhea), then you may have considered trying a low FODMAP diet.
The most common reactions to psyllium are abdominal distension and flatulence.
Whether you suffer from IBS and the not so pleasant symptoms that sometimes come hand - in - hand, or, you're not quite sure what's up with your gut but you're dealing with uncomfortable complaints like bloating, abdominal distension (read: looking 4 - months pregnant when you're not), excess wind, stomach pain, or unpredictable bowel motility, then you're in the RIGHT PLACE.
Personally I would rather have sugar than sugar substitutes as the sugar substitutes can cause bloating, abdominal distension and gas as they are not easily digested.
Sugary treats can contain sugar substitutes and sugar alcohols — such as those found in low calorie and low carb foods such as cookies, energy bars, cakes, diet drinks and sweets can actually cause bloating, abdominal distension and gas as they are not easily digested.
Abdominal distension, bloating and cramping associated with IBS can lead to disorders in the myofascial system.
Sugar Substitutes and Sugar Alcohols — such as those found in low calorie and low carb foods such as cookies, energy bars, cakes, diet drinks and sweets can actually cause bloating, abdominal distension and gas as they are not easily digested.
If you drink a large amount of sparkling water, that belching can turn into bloating or abdominal distension.
Two factors contribute to this abdominal distension and include the distribution of gas within the gut as well intestinal motor activity.
About a year later, he developed several concerning symptoms, including fainting, coughing, abdominal distension, and swelling in his legs.
Lateral and ventrodorsal abdominal radiographs are taken to assess the liver and verify the source of the abdominal distension, and check for foreign bodies.
Other signs include lethargy, inappetance (lack of appetite), weight loss, abdominal distension (bloated abdomen), nose bleeding, fatigue, pale color of the mucous membranes of the mouth and the eyes and increased respiratory rates.
Symptoms include pain in the abdomen, abdominal distension, lack of appetite, pale color, lethargy, fever and tonsillitis.
Abdominal distension may be accompanied by dry heaves, retching, weakness, collapse and difficulty breathing.
Abdominal distension can be caused by air trapped in the stomach which can cause the stomach to twist over on itself.
This nasty relative causes clinical signs such as enlarged liver, unthriftiness and abdominal distension.
On the other hand, foreign bodies or hairballs in the intestinal tract usually cause more severe problems, such as teeth grinding, anorexia, vomiting, weakness, abdominal distension, shock and death.
Abdominal distension: When the stomach or belly becomes rapidly enlarged, this may suggest a mass or tumor in the abdomen, or it may indicate some bleeding that is occurring in this area.
It is relatively easy to rule this disease out with labwork and if other clinical signs of the disease are present, such as abdominal distension, hairloss, thinning of the skin, increased skin pigmentation, panting, excessive drinking, urination or appetite, it is a good idea to rule it out.
Signs of congestive heart failure include cough (especially a cough at rest), a fast breathing rate, difficulty breathing, fainting, weakness, lethargy, exercise intolerance and abdominal distension.
Abdominal distension can mean many things, but in older dogs it can often be an indication of a large cancerous mass on one of the abdominal organs.
Clinical signs of heart disease include weakness (in the hind end or hind legs), ataxia (wobbliness or loss of full coordination of the body), anorexia (not eating), weakness, dyspnea (trouble breathing), coughing, or abdominal distension.
Pancreatitis canine symptoms include a very painful abdomen with abdominal distension and a «hunched up» appearance.
The wet form causes buildup in the chest, resulting in abdominal distension or respiratory problems.
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