Sentences with phrase «abilities of children with»

Taking this together, a possible mechanism of change of the MYmind program is that the coping abilities of children with ASD and their parents increase, and thus become more in balance with their experienced demands.
Thirdly, mindfulness - based programs may improve the coping abilities of children with ASD, by relating less judgmental, more curious, accepting, and compassionate to their experiences, thoughts, and feelings.
Given the difficulties in social communication and neurocognitive functioning, the demands of the social environment are often higher than the coping abilities of children with ASD.
More importantly, the language abilities of children with Down syndrome have been found to be even more delayed than would be expected from their overall level of cognitive functioning, indicating a form of specific speech and language impairment relative to their non-verbal mental age (Buckley 2002; Laws 2003; Niccols 2002; Vicari 2000).
Instead of the comforts of home and school, your child is suddenly expected to manage a world of chaos, with expectations that may be beyond the abilities of a child with executive functioning, cognitive, emotional, social, and / or sensory challenges.
«However the looming cuts to children's services, proposed by the coalition government, will drastically affect the ability of children with SEN to receive the support they are entitled to.
This may negatively impact the ability of children with ADHD to stay focused if there is no reward immediately at hand.
Mental rotation ability of children with spina bifida: what influence does manual rotation training have?
On the other hand, parents of children with an AD might also be afraid to express negative emotions, as they may underestimate the emotion regulation abilities of their child with an AD and perceive the child as extremely vulnerable, thereby discouraging the expression of emotions (Bögels and Brechman - Toussaint 2006).
However, a difference was found in verbal ability of children with secure, compared to children with insecure, attachment classification with respect to mother (F (1, 115) = 6.40, p <.05, η 2 =.001), and insecurely attached children scored significantly lower than securely attached (Secure: M = 92.33, SD = 1.62; Insecure: M = 84.23, SD = 2.76), logistic regression B = − 1.01, p <.0001.
Adults noted the ability of children with callous / unemotional traits to manage and regulate their emotions, while poor emotion regulation was more predictive of the cluster of externalizing problems.

Not exact matches

Other measures include: • remove rule limiting Child Tax Credit (CTC) to one claimant per household (to allow two or more families sharing a house to claim the CTC); • repeal $ 10,000 cap on medical expense tax credit claims made on medical costs incurred for an eligible dependent; • easier access to funds in Registered Disability Savings Plans for beneficiaries with shortened life spans; • improved Employment Insurance benefits to parents of gravely ill, murdered, or missing children; and • enhanced ability to make transfers between individual RESPs, and better access to RESP funds for post-secondary students studying outside Canada.
As a child, I was fascinated by Uncle Scrooge, his adventures with his three nephews, his ingenuity in discovering new ways to make wealth and his ability to thwart the schemes of the thieving Beagle Boys.
As a former city councilor, Selina advocated for the rights of taxpayers, fought to protect the health of children and families by introducing a local ban on cosmetic pesticides and worked to improve access for people with disabilities as chair of the Coquitlam Universal Access - Ability Advisory Committee.
Our politicians should be stepping up to the plate and limiting the ability of Catholic Priests ability to be alone with Children.
Really it's unplanned parenthood with no teaching of values that marriage should come before a child and the ability to provide children with stability before bringing a child into this world.
Because we are the spirit children of a Heavenly Father we are endowed with the ability to grow and become like Him.
But it is also necessary that we utterly reject the temptation to sloth, that perversion of imagination which gives us, in the words of Fred Craddock, «the ability to look at a starving child... with a swollen stomach and say, «Well, it's not my kid.»
I hope that this exercise helped you get better acquainted with your inner Child, Adolescent, and Parent sides and made you more aware of the ability of your Adult to control their influences.
I believe god has created all kinds of people of all kinds of intellectual abilities (I work with disabled children).
Principles of interpretation (Hermeneutics) 1) Literal Principle — Scripture is to be understood in its natural, normal sense, read literally 2) Grammar Principle — Deal with what it says in the way it says it, be it using metaphor, simile, narrative, etc. 3) Historical Principle — Read the Bible in its historical context 4) Synthesis Principle — No one part of the Bible contradicts any other part (Scripture interprets Scripture) 5) Practical Principle — It contains a practical application 6) Illumination of the Holy Spirit — It is the job of the Holy Spirit to enlighten the child of God to the meaning of Scripture, without Him, one is without the ability to interpret Scripture
2) it is only a matter of time until we will have the scientific ability to do the kind of care you are talking about with the unborn (someone other than the mother caring & nurturing the child).
The ability to communicate about delicate issues with teenage «children» comes through an ease of interpersonal exchange that is established by parents when their children are quite young.
Eyeing but one party and leaving alone all those rich elders and their sons of high society going to third world nations / countries seeking acts of sensualistic desires with enslaved «children» seems to have slipped thru your reason abilities...
Would they improve the ability of parents to control the education of their children (a right once said by the Supreme Court «to override the desire of the legislature to foster a homogeneous people with American ideals prepared readily to understand current discussions of civic matters»)?
Or just ask the mother of a child whether she so trusts her bishop's ability to predict the future actions of a one — time child molester that she would trust her child with the man in question.
For example, any god who has the foreknowledge of, and the ability to stop, child se - xual abuse, and yet fails to do so, because to do so would interfere with the child ra - pist's Free Will is a horrible immoral monster.
It saddles him with parent - chosen goals which are usually impossibly perfectionistic (since they are derived from the parents» own frustrations) and completely out of touch with the realities of the child's abilities and inclinations.
So, God gave his children, the Humans, one species of millions, the ability to rise above all reason to destroy the planet they live on while simultaneously destroying themselves with all of the diseases they generate through their greed, gluttony and careless (or carefree) disregard for the environment.
All I know is that that I believe that the full gospel and organization behind it was given universally starting with Adam and Eve and once again with Noah and his family, but do to our given ability to choose whether or not to obey the teachings of the gospel there will be desendants who choose not to follow and as a result their children and their children's children then become raised in ignorance of the gospel.
In the future, in the words of Princeton geneticist Lee Silver, «Parents can gain complete control over their destiny, with the ability to guide and enhance the characteristics of their children, and their children's children as well.»
The ability of our children to deal with the consequences of global warming will depend, they argue, on the economic resources available to them.
For true democracy, the Middle East need the Bible, 80 % -100 % literacy rate, equal rights of women and children with those of men, freedom of worship for all infidels and religious freedom for all Muslims (ability to change religion, etc).
Some of the parents of autistic children would like their children to be cured of the difficulties created by their autism, but they recognize the benefits (musical and mathematical abilities, for instance) that often go along with being autistic.
Indeed, he does not shrink from taking a criminal as an example, perhaps one well known at the time, since the children of light can learn even from the children of darkness: that unjust steward who is put out of his office does not think of using excuses in order to hold onto his position; he thinks only how, with one final deceit, he can make his future secure while he still has the ability to do so (Luke 16:1 — 8).
We did better with kale khichdi and kale sneaked into pasta sauces although the clear winner has been kale thepla (spiced Gujarati influenced chapatti), for all their green goodness, portability, ease of independent eating for a child and also share - ability, because my child enjoys sharing his food with friends.
Noah's Ark Children's Hospice provides clinical, emotional and practical care and support to children and young people with life - limiting and life - threatening conditions, with a central aim of enabling them to live life as fully as possible, regardless of cognitive or sensory Children's Hospice provides clinical, emotional and practical care and support to children and young people with life - limiting and life - threatening conditions, with a central aim of enabling them to live life as fully as possible, regardless of cognitive or sensory children and young people with life - limiting and life - threatening conditions, with a central aim of enabling them to live life as fully as possible, regardless of cognitive or sensory ability.
Consider that by the age of four, a child has the ability to record lasting memories and discuss his or her experiences with friends to at least some degree.
Some parents may find that their child is having trouble with adaptability, and instead of the child adapting to the setting, environmental modifications and adjustments are needed in order to ensure the child's sense of safety and ability to be successful.
Even if you don't make it out of sight of your car, the ability and freedom to explore nature will stick with your child and become a treasured memory!
A 2013 study published in the Journal of Child and Family Studies tells me my hunches are right: «Undergraduates with excessively involved parents are more likely than others to be depressed or dissatisfied with life, and a high degree of parental involvement appeared to interfere with the ability of offspring to feel autonomous and competent.»
I'm 36 years old and this was to be our first child together and I don't have any children from previous relationships so the unexpected news was met with giddy abandonment on my part and I was determined to love and provide everything for this child to the best of my ability.
Nourishment of the spiritual, physical, and emotional aspects of each child is integrated with the development of intellectual capacities, allowing learning to become a lifelong passion along with developing an ability to work with others to put that learning to service in the world.
Your child will have the ability to stand with the use of a single foot within 10 seconds without swaying.
Along with ensuring the age and ability to control head movements of your child, you need to buy a right sized jumper for your baby.
There will most likely be a time when your parenting abilities and choices are called into question during this journey as a parent of a child with Reactive Attachment Disorder.
As you get more comfortable with the general idea of nurturing the interests and abilities of your gifted child, you can begin to plan some activities.
Getting «inside the box,» and understanding the features and benefits of toys as they align with the abilities and skill development goals of a particular child are huge challenges.
Getting «inside the box,» and understanding the features and benefits as they align with the abilities of a particular child can be huge challenges.
Compared with children with absentee fathers, children whose fathers were present and actively involved in their lives during early and middle childhood had fewer behavior problems and higher intellectual abilities as they grew older, even among children of lower socioeconomic status.
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