Sentences with phrase «ability grouping suggest»

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The salamanders use their tongues to catch insects literally on the fly, and the evidence, published in February in the Journal of Experimental Biology by a group of researchers led by Stephen M. Deban of the University of South Florida, suggests that these amphibians owe their dead - shot abilities to a ballistic projection mechanism that powers their rapid - fire tongue thrusts: In effect the tongue launches from the mouth like an arrow from a bow.
Moyà - Solà suggests the ability to swing from branches probably evolved independently in chimps and orangutans, long after the two groups diverged.
If getting rid of some of the genes affected the bacteria's ability to fight off phages, that result suggested the group of genes was a defense system.
The bulk of evidence over the last century «suggests that academic acceleration and most forms of ability grouping like cross-grade subject grouping and special grouping for gifted students can greatly improve K - 12 students» academic achievement.»
«Numerosity in humans, birds and fish based in brain's subcortex: New research suggests ability to assess group size at a glance is seated in ancient brain.»
Overall, the report suggests that ability groups may be inhibiting low - attaining students» future learning progress.
These studies established the existence of stereotype threat and provided evidence that stereotypes suggesting poor performance, when made salient in a context involving the stereotypical ability, can disrupt performance, produce doubt about one's abilities, and cause an individual to disidentify with one's ethnic group.
We're even more uncomfortable with the idea of grouping youngsters by ability, especially because research suggests that the bright kids in a classroom help pull up the slower learners.
Last month I suggested that grouping New York City schoolchildren by age rather than ability would address two issues that stymie the NYC Department of Education: strict birthday cut - offs that ignore readiness and the perennial shortage of Gifted and Talented seats.
The Coleman Report identified the peer group at school as an important factor affecting learning, but several papers in this volume suggest that the socioeconomic status or academic ability of peers has little effect on academic performance.
There is no statutory requirement that suggests children should be grouped by ability.
At any point over at least the last 50 years, a synthesis of available empirical evidence would have suggested, quite unambiguously, that students having difficulty at school, especially those disadvantaged by their socioeconomic backgrounds, learn more when they are working in heterogeneous rather than in homogeneous ability groups (e.g., Oakes, 1985; Yonezawa, Wells, and Serna, 2002).
NASSP's position statement on Tracking and Ability Grouping in Middle Level and High Schools suggests that principals should provide a safe and personalized learning environment for each student while also identifying a set of essential learnings in which students must demonstrate competency in order to move to the next level.
We quite like the sound of «Momentary M mode», which is not a BMW - inspired bit of kit as the name suggests, but rather it refers to the ability to use the steering - wheel mounted flappy paddles to manually change gears at any time; much like Volkswagen Group's DSG transmissions.
This then led on to comments from Gerald Ratner, former CEO of Ratners Group, highlighting how law firms» brand will survive based on the ability to fulfil the promise you make with your clients, and how his brand suffered when he suggested that his brand of jewellery did not.
The findings suggest that many minority groups believe that their ability to access justice is lacking, especially with respect to policing and community safety.
Our collection of example resumes for Youth Group Leaders suggests that the most sought - after skills for this job are discipleship, a strong sense of community, effective communication, people skills, self - motivation, and the ability to provide service to others.
KEY ACHIEVEMENTS • Singlehandedly created and implemented an after school program for a group of special needs children, with different learning abilities • Incorporated remedial programs into afterschool activities, resulting in a high number of students excelling in regular education • Trained 42 new teachers (within a span of 5 years) to successfully implement after school programs in 5 different community schools • Suggested introduction of organic snacks for students during after school activities, which resulted in students opting for healthy food for all their meals
The ability of the program to reduce depressive symptoms was most effective for the full intervention group by month 15, suggesting that a shift in mental health takes a significant amount of time.
However, follow - up analyses suggest that the intervention effect of PATHS ® was present for children with higher mean levels of verbal ability, but children in the intervention group with lower verbal ability were no different from comparison group children.
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