Sentences with phrase «abject apologies»

If there is sincere remorse, abject apologies, and repetitive ongoing reassurances from the unfaithful partner.
I offer abject apologies to regular readers (all four of you) for my skipping last week's installment of the News Bulletin.
There is a long list of brands who have been forced, not just to mollify China, but to issue abject apologies expressing their deep shame over, say, absent - mindedly referring to Taiwan as an independent nation.
That's why the folks at the Cochrane Review owe the scientific community an abject apology for publishing a «study» on homebirth that amounts to a piece of garbage.
(During the summit, however, local Peruvian media seemed mostly focused on a dumb stunt from Greenpeace that desecrated an ancient Nazca geoglyph and drew an abject apology.)
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