Sentences with phrase «abject poverty»

The phrase "abject poverty" refers to a situation where someone is extremely poor and living in a state of complete destitution. It describes the most severe form of poverty, where individuals lack basic necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing. Full definition
«I know kids can overcome poverty, but when students are living in abject poverty in segregated communities with poor health care and housing, that makes the work for our teachers all the more challenging.»
Evangelical Catholics, supporters of the constructive working of the marketplace that we are, took well to the teaching of Centesimus Annus for it provided a vision of how to see both the accomplishments of free markets in the growth of all economies - and, most specially» the rise of millions of individuals from abject poverty in a short span of years.
instead of allowing children to be born into abject poverty and instead of allowing kids with down syndrome to be born into the homes of junkies and illiterates, we can abort the children OR every person who shows up at an anti abortion rally gets a free baby to take home and raise.
@bcasus You said, «Of course being gay, unlike abject poverty, deformities, diseases etc., is only problematic because of «leaders» like Packer promoting a culture of intolerance and condemnation.»
Traveling to Japan in search of their mentor (Liam Neeson), who is rumored to have disavowed Christianity and taken a Japanese wife, Rodrigues and his fellow Jesuit Father Garrpe (Adam Driver) are confronted with abject poverty and an oppressive government that condemns Christians to live in fear — desperate circumstances the fathers believe can be improved only by faith in God.
The complexity of Smith's thought emerges in the novel Smith believes that although the pursuit of wealth does not do much to produce happiness, the effort to enable people to escape abject poverty is both a legal and a moral requirement.
«Orphan» is one of those words that seems old - fashioned to modern ears» a word that evokes abject poverty in a Dickens novel.
These people have been living in abject poverty right under our nose — less than 700 miles from our shore.
More human beings live in abject poverty now than at any moment in the history of the planet.
May the souls of all security officers particularly, police officers who died in line of duties yet no presidential donations and TrustFunds were established in their memories to take care of their wives and children who are wallowing in abject poverty rest in peace.
The payment offers an undue incentive, coercion that pits abject poverty against a global capitalist enterprise.»
Living in equally abject poverty nearby is the Jackson family, headed by patriarch Hap (Rob Morgan), a preacher and tenant who labors over the 200 acres he will never own, and his hard - working wife Florence (Mary J. Blige) who plows the fields, raises her children, and works as Laura's maid.
, so why then would those living in abject poverty pay for something they could get for free?
You need not demonstrate abject poverty, only the inability to keep up with mortgage payments.
In her own words, it attempts to «suspend the passive aestheticism that turns abject poverty into an object of enjoyment».
The poorest countries may sign onto such an agreement too, because it addresses abject poverty (Millennium Development Goals) explicitly.
Second, I think the claim that» vastly greater numbers of people who have died (and are dying) in that continent because of western economic and military policies» at best conflates the sins and mistakes of our great - grandparents with our own, but is also a gross oversimplification and objectification of the «third world», which is emerging from abject poverty largely because of the success of contemporary western policies.
7 Billion, 9 Billion, or 14 Billion, All Place Great Strain on Planet's Resources From an ecological perspective I have grave doubts that the planet could support that many humans at anything other than the lowest levels of resource consumption — as in what would be considered today abject poverty.
«Local people in the wilderness areas are living in abject poverty so they have no options.
Thus are we receiving supplies from one party and witnessing the most abject poverty in another but it is perfectly consistent with the nature of the country that it being not at all uncommon for one set of Indians to be absolutely starving while another party at the distance of 40 miles are living in the utmost profusion.
Moore first learned about such abject poverty when he answered a simple request from a local pastor.
Nevertheless, diesel cooking remains significantly more lucrative than subsistence farming and fishing, and most assume these risks to lift their families out of abject poverty.
This reassessment should pay respect to the empirical reality, that is, on the one hand, the unmitigated disaster of socialism everywhere» economically, politically, and in a monstrous aggregate of human suffering» and, on the other hand, the relative capacity of democratic capitalism to lift large masses of people from abject poverty to decent levels of material life and to provide political regimes that establish respect for elementary human rights.
The years - worth of free rice from USAID and the UN after the earthquake put an entire region of Haitian rice farmers out of work, driving their families into abject poverty, and now their children are vulnerable to child trafficking.
Of course being gay, unlike abject poverty, deformities, diseases etc., is only problematic because of «leaders» like Packer promoting a culture of intolerance and condemnation.
A few hundred million people are doing OK and a few million have become extremely wealthy while at least a billion people are living in abject poverty.
Without adequate government support, the mass influx of asylum seekers to Athens created a slum where its labyrinth of streets bring together a precarious mix of ethnic rivals, foreign illnesses and abject poverty.
The abject poverty in the third world makes the US poor seem wealthy in comparison.
None of these arguments give the Israelis the right to continuously violate the basic human rights of the Palestinian people who live in abject poverty.
But such folly is recorded in the OT Israelites whose greed drove them to give up their relatively egalitarian social system and to emulate the neighboring Amorites with their disparities from fabulous wealth to abject poverty.
Yes, I have, and my heart breaks for the abject poverty I see there.
One big reason that we have so many in abject poverty is overpopulation.
But the kind of abject poverty that over one billion people endure — those living on $ 1 per day — wouldn't be tolerated by Jesus and should not exist today.
What one can learn in even a short visit to most Latin American countries is that there is no necessity for the abject poverty one sees.
We live in a world in which for some, misery is the only reality of existence: people starve to death, live in abject poverty and know unrelieved distress and isolation all their days.
Having seen a little of the abject poverty of some people in India, on my return I quickly became involved in the work of Christian Aid and the beginnings of the World Development Movement, which campaigned on political matters relating to aid and trade.
It may be true that people living in abject poverty may be more amenable to extremist ideologies, but a material solution to their situation may only provides for their physical needs.
Today there are twenty million refugees who have crossed international borders to escape violence and abject poverty.
If you succeed in outlawing abortion and closing down all the women's clinic that counsel birth control what are you going to do with all the children born into abject poverty?
The military along with other elites keeps 60 percent of the country's population, its Mayan peoples, in abject poverty.
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