Sentences with phrase «able children in»

«Whilst we recognise from the Estyn report that more needs to be done to encourage schools to adequately identify more able and talented pupils, we note the positive response to the support provided by the Welsh government and National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE).
The aim is for it to provide a highly academic and rigorous curriculum to stretch and challenge the most academically able children in Swindon, free of charge, to pupils who consistently achieve at Level 5 or higher in Primary School and who are hardworking and committed to the additional homework and prep needed to achieve outstanding academic results.
Once they come up with their phrases the children are split into groups, putting the most able children in the steady beat group.
Red light - designed for the more able children in the class / group Yellow light - designed for the middle group in the class Green light - designed for the less able children in the class / group Once the class or group have completed the loop card activity once, why not time them to see if they can complete the «loop» in a faster time.
Also be suitable for the less able children in KS2.
Her initiatives to provide care for the differently - abled children in Bangalore corresponds to the theological challenges that the Abrahams have taken up throughout their research and teaching careers.
There are many more toys and gifts to choose from when shopping for the differently - abled child in your life this season.

Not exact matches

In a complicated family, the child - parent dynamic is flipped, and we are able to see all the black and white complexities of grown adults through family history and the stalwart love of children.
[With it,] she went from a child who couldn't hold a single letter in her head to someone who was able to read words and sentences and chapter books and able to effectively communicate with people around her.
«It's not as clear cut as with a minor child, who is not able to contribute in any way to the business,» she says.
Even so, parents and students alike are optimistic: 64 percent of parents surveyed expect that their children will be able to find a job after graduation — though not necessarily one in their field — within six months, and 67 percent of students agreed.
Will your family come with you — and if so, what will your partner do (will they be able to work in their chosen profession), where will children go to school?
In Facebook's reality, Facebook is still a company people love, admire, and trust — so much so they want their young children to be able to partake in its goodnesIn Facebook's reality, Facebook is still a company people love, admire, and trust — so much so they want their young children to be able to partake in its goodnesin its goodness.
As of January 1, 2017, parents will no longer be able to claim eligible fees paid to enrol a child in an arts or fitness program.
While children may not receive as many gifts as they would like, Santa is still able to give them a present when they wake - up in the morning.
While a hungry child is less likely to be able to focus, most of the research looks at kids who are part of school breakfast programs, which means the majority of those kids come from underprivileged backgrounds and may not be getting enough to eat in general.
Screening isn't completely effective in preventing genetic diseases in children, though a 2008 report showed that the state of Massachusetts was able to reduce the number of babies born with CF by 50 % over four years, compared to the previous four - year period.
Parents can save up to $ 14,000 per year in an ABLE account for a child diagnosed with a qualifying disability.
Though freezing eggs is not a guarantee that you'll be able to conceive children in the future — success rates at top clinics are similar to IVF success rates — neither is being a woman.
He and Bachrach have a conference call scheduled with one of the world's largest toymakers, based in Germany, and because Griffith is stuck with unexpected child care, he hasn't been able to make a model he needs.
Whether that's a child not going hungry for that night or a family that's able to enjoy a protein plate that they wouldn't otherwise be able to afford in Starbucks.»
In order to be grateful for something someone has done for them, your children need to be able to understand the motivations and preferences of others.
While there's only a one - in - a-million chance of some random person being able to do this on your phone, Apple said Wednesday that the «statistical probability is different for twins and siblings that look like you and among children under the age of 13, because their distinct facial features may not have fully developed.»
In the past, Davis said she's enjoyed being able to help out with necessities or things like school supplies when her children or grandchildren needed it.
Smith: There's a real satisfaction in knowing we are helping to support our employees» families and that we're helping a person be able to raise his children.
The children that were able to wait until the experimenter returned experienced better outcomes in life, including higher SAT scores, greater career success, and even lower body mass indexes.
Some Canadian families are able to raise their children without paid childcare either because parents sacrifice their earnings in the workforce, or because they can cobble together unpaid childcare from benevolent family and friends.
«Every new person affected by measles in Europe reminds us that unvaccinated children and adults, regardless of where they live, remain at risk of catching the disease and spreading it to others who may not be able to get vaccinated,» said Dr Zsuzsanna Jakab, the organization's regional director for Europe.
Photos became the essential ingredient in our growth» he also points out that «without these brand evangelists typing captions under their photos of how they fed 10 children in the Horn of Africa we would not have been able to change a million lives.
It cost every man, woman, and child in the United States 2000 dollars each to make sure the executives at AIG who wrote insurance and did not put capital reserves away to cover it were able to keep their pay, their bonuses, their future bonuses, and all of their personal assets.
Under federal law, the shooter shouldn't have been able to buy a gun because he'd been convicted in military court of assaulting his spouse and their child while in the Air Force.
Work flexibility is important to me because I have 2 small children and I really want them to feel like I am «there» for them, whether it be physically or being able to leave my job behind and just «be» in the present with them.
Research indicates that those children who do have a set of chores have higher self - esteem, are more responsible, and are better able to deal with frustration and delay gratification, all of which contribute to greater success in school.
Keep in mind women with very young children might not be able to dedicate enough time.
As we watch the videos of families crying in Florida we can not comprehend how those voted into power — who hold positions where they are able to create change — continually choose unrestricted gun rights over children's lives.
2016.01.28 RBC employees and retirees raise record funds for Canadian communities With the assistance of community organizations, a child receives health - related services, a single mother is able to provide regular meals for her family and an elderly person can live independently in their own home...
With the assistance of community organizations, a child receives health - related services, a single mother is able to provide regular meals for her family and an elderly person can live independently in their own home...
«They knew that they would not be able to maintain their seniority or position in a company and have daycare - aged children at the same time.»
When your child is young, you may be better able to invest more aggressively in pursuit of higher returns.
But we will not be able to afford a life with two children in that way.
Along with funding, the entrepreneurs selected will also be mentored by Sesame executives, and will be able to use characters from the children's show in their products and platforms if appropriate.
In these cases, if you want to make sure your spouse or children are able to stay in your family home, mortgage life insurance can be a helpful method of financial protection for your familIn these cases, if you want to make sure your spouse or children are able to stay in your family home, mortgage life insurance can be a helpful method of financial protection for your familin your family home, mortgage life insurance can be a helpful method of financial protection for your family.
Other Tencent blockchain projects include a financial application that allows users to profit from increases in the price of gold, a service that helps small and medium - sized businesses to procure financing at a lower cost than they might otherwise be able to, and an app geared toward locating missing children.
And in the good old days when there was more family wealth, they might have been able to afford to basically give that house to their children, and then retire somewhere else on their income.
NELSON — Families in Nelson will soon be able to access 18 new licensed child - care spaces thanks to a $ 24,375 investment through the Province's Child Care Major Capital Funding Program, announced Michelle Mungall, MLA for Nelson - Crechild - care spaces thanks to a $ 24,375 investment through the Province's Child Care Major Capital Funding Program, announced Michelle Mungall, MLA for Nelson - CreChild Care Major Capital Funding Program, announced Michelle Mungall, MLA for Nelson - Creston.
Not only was I able to find a job I think I will absolutely love, but I am now able to stay in the same city as my children.
Under federal law, Kelley shouldn't have been able to buy a gun because he'd been convicted in military court of assaulting his spouse and their child while in the Air Force.
But how can those of us who love life fight against in - vitro fertilization clinics when those clinics give infertile couples (and those who have great difficulty getting pregnant) the joy of being able to have children?
For me, If I can't use it freely with a child (or I wouldn't want my child to be using the words) then why ought I use it just to be able to apply it in one of the fashions listed in the article?
In the case of same - sex couples adopting children, it has only been a relatively short time that same - sex couples have been able to adopt and foster and therefore, there has not been time for a proper analysis to be carried out into the effects such placements have on the children's educational, emotional and developmental wellbeing.
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