Sentences with phrase «abnormal accumulation»

The phrase "abnormal accumulation" means that there is an unusual buildup or gathering of something. It suggests that there is an excess or disproportionate gathering of a particular substance, object, or thing. Full definition
This condition is caused by abnormal accumulation of air in the stomach.
Share Pei fever can also lead to Amyloidosis, an enzyme deficiency results in abnormal accumulations of amyloid proteins, causing liver or kidney failure.
For liver disorders associated with abnormal accumulation of copper, the amount of ingested copper must be minimized.
This defect causes cell death and leads to alterations in the development of the nervous system such as hydrocephalus, characterized by abnormal accumulation of fluid on the brain.
In the current study, Dr. Santambrogio and her colleagues looked for abnormal accumulations of proteins in the synovial fluid (which bathes the joints) and blood of patients with JIA.
Nephrotic syndrome is defined as the combination of significant protein loss in the urine, high serum cholesterol and low serum albumin (serum is the fluid portion of the blood), and edema or other abnormal accumulation of fluid.
This defect impairs the breakdown of complex molecules resulting in abnormal accumulation of this macromolecules in the cells of the peripheral and central nervous system.
Bloat in dogs is primarily caused by the unusual and abnormal accumulation of air, gas, fluid or foam in the stomach.
Aside from the feat of answering the longstanding question of how the lymph system arises, understanding how it forms and develops can provide important insights into disease, from metastasis to the abnormal accumulation of lymph fluids, particularly in the wake of surgery to remove cancerous tumors.
Other approaches target the abnormal accumulation of the protein tau in neurofibrillary tangles.
Abnormal accumulation of PPIX is known to lead to EPP.
Prion diseases are part of larger group of human neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases, which are all due to the abnormal accumulation of protein aggregates in the brain.
One of the disease's defining characteristics is an abnormal accumulation of lymphocytes or T - cells in the lining of the gut.
Figure 2: Abnormal accumulation of the FGFR - TACC fusion protein (red) in glioblastoma stem cells isolated from a primary human glioblastoma with fused FGFR - TACC genes.
Crigler - Najjar Syndrome is a rare genetic liver disease (incidence around 1/1 000 000 births) associated with the abnormal accumulation of bilirubin — a yellow pigment produced by the liver — in all the body's tissues, particularly the brain tissues.
A group of disorders that includes both Alzheimer's and FTD, tauopathies are characterized by the abnormal accumulation of the protein Tau in neurons.
(3,18; cf. 19,20) Even in visceral fat, it has recently emerged that the obesity - driven rise in inflammation and insulin resistance is associated with an abnormal accumulation of senescent cells, albeit senescent endothelial cells rather than adipocytes.
AD is thought to be caused by the abnormal accumulation of a 40 - 42 amino - acid long amyloid - β (Aβ) peptide derived from cleavage of the transmembrane protein amyloid - precursor protein (APP).
Numerous studies have implicated the abnormal accumulation of intraneuronal amyloid - β (Aβ) as an important contributor to Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology, capable of triggering neuroinflammation, tau hyperphosphorylation and cognitive deficits.
However, it is widely accepted that a central event in AD pathogenesis is the abnormal accumulation of Aβ and its related toxins, either due to increased production or to deficits in clearance mechanisms [52, 53].
We are particularly interested in how aging - related pathways, such as sirtuins, modulate the processes underlying the abnormal accumulation and microglial activation.
Past research has shown that Parkinson's patients with LRRK2 mutations often show an abnormal accumulation of alpha - synuclein as well.
This can result in tissue swelling (edema)-- lymphostatic edema results from the abnormal accumulation of protein in the lymph vessel, along with osmotically held fluids in the interstitial space (lymphedema).
Abnormal accumulation of aluminum has been found in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease, and when aluminum is injected into the brains of laboratory animals, the animals develop a neurological disease similar to Alzheimer's.
Congestion, an abnormal accumulation of blood, in the lower extremities is no good thing.
Edema is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in a body part.
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), on the other hand, represents an abnormal accumulation of bacteria in the small intestine that generates symptoms similar to IBS.
Bloat (dilation) is a condition of an abnormal accumulation of air, fluid, and / or foam in the stomach and can occur with or without the twisting (volvulus) of the stomach.
Since the major culprit in diabetes is the abnormal accumulation of glucose in the blood, a canine diabetic diet is centered on reducing the carbohydrate content of food.
Hepatic lipidosis: an abnormal accumulation of lipids in the liver which leads to liver failure.
Hydrocephalus: a condition where there is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the ventricles of the brain.
Anasarca: a condition where neonatal puppies have an abnormal accumulation of fluids in their tissues.
This condition is also known as stomach stortion — the abnormal accumulation of air in the stomach.
This can lead to an abnormal accumulation of excessive copper in the liver known as copper storage hepatopathy, leading to hepatic dysfunction and scarring (cirrhosis).
This abnormal accumulation eventually interferes with the cell's ability to function.
Patients with hydrocephalus have abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the ventricles, or cavities, of the brain.
This helps prevent the abnormal accumulation of fat in the blood vessel walls which can contribute to hypertension.
Another congenital disorder, says Dr. Dewey, is hydrocephalus, a condition in which an abnormal accumulation of fluid can cause enlargement of the skull and compression of the brain.
Emphysema is the abnormal accumulation of air inside an organ or tissue.
The exact mechanisms leading to the abnormal accumulation of air in respiratory tissues are not well understood.
Known as bloat, distended abdomen is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdomen.
Foul breath because of the abnormal accumulation of nitrogenous wastes in the blood unable to be eliminated because of kidney failure
Edema is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the cavities and intercellular spaces of the body.
Anything that results in an abnormal accumulation of material in the ear canal often can not get out due to the canal pointing upward and thus inhibiting drainage.
A surprising number of cats have problems with constipation (abnormal accumulation of feces and difficulty defecating), and similar but more serious conditions such as obstipation (complete obstruction of the colon by feces) and megacolon (damaged nerves and muscles in the colon causing an inability to defecate).
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