Sentences with phrase «abnormal behavior»

Abnormal behavior refers to actions or behaviors that are different from what is considered typical or normal in society. It can include things like extreme emotions, odd beliefs, or strange actions that go against common social norms. Full definition
Owners of dogs with separation anxiety report a range of abnormal behaviors engaged in by their pets when they are not present.
It is up to you to watch out for abnormal behavior in your dog.
The doctor will judge that the «patient» is exhibiting abnormal behavior by asking questions and observing the patient.
If they exceed 3 to 4 days without relieving themselves, or display other abnormal behavior, you should consult your vet to see if there is a deeper health problem.
Behavioral abnormalities: a whole range of abnormal behavior patterns, such as aggression, panic disorders, etc..
All the female hamsters were able to successfully reproduce, but those fed corn showed abnormal behaviors before giving birth.
A proper veterinary exam can rule out physical causes for abnormal behaviors.
A cat owner should therefore take their pet to the vet very soon after noticing abnormal behavior so that a diagnosis can be made and treatment begun as soon as possible.
The first thing to do is see your Veterinarian for a general health exam and to rule out any physical or medical problems that could cause abnormal behavior.
Dogs that are isolated too much develop abnormal behaviors.
As your dog's guardian, you must learn to recognize what normal behavior looks like with your dog so you can act upon abnormal behaviors when necessary.
Each day's news serves as a reminder that what once would have been considered abnormal behavior is increasingly giving way to the bizarre.
YOU, not your pediatrician, are the best judge of normal versus abnormal behavior in your children.
When it comes to differentiating between normal and abnormal behavior problems, it's important to know a bit about child development.
If you are concerned about abnormal behavior or a possible behavior disorder, seek help from a professional.
What has changed is our attitude toward abnormal behavior.
Only by understanding the behavior of normal cells, she maintained, would scientists learn how to prevent abnormal behaviors, such as cancer.
CO2 emissions are reduced by reducing operating times of equipment and facilities and by detecting abnormal behavior involving inadequate intake.
Note what type of muscular activity or abnormal behavior does your pet exhibits during the seizures?
There are clues I look for, and typical abnormal behaviors, which indicate past abuse.
Additionally, research shows that dogs and cats who are provided more space are less likely to engage in repetitive abnormal behaviors, such as pacing or excessive self - grooming.
You know your pet better than anyone else and spend adequate time with your pet, enabling you to verify abnormal behavior.
Needless to say, this also falls under abnormal behavior: Recognizing and responding to these signs may be the difference between life and death for your cat.
Conducted investigation on complaints regarding abnormal behavior of animals.
Students will explore abnormal behavior in disparate societies and cultures.
Each day there are challenges of various abnormal behaviors and mental disorders I face in helping people to live their own life rather than be lived by it.
And when these guys can not adjust to life afterwards, and when they get into these bouts of depression, and when they start exhibiting abnormal behavior, there's something going on.
If your pet gets distressed, becomes nervous, or demonstrate other abnormal behavior, just let go in their «birthday suit».
Always keep an eye out for abnormal behavior and give us a call is you suspect something is wrong.
In wild meat - eating animals, canine distemper can cause abnormal behavior and lack of fear that is suggestive of rabies.
It includes abnormal behaviors like not eating for days at a time (as Malik described) or simply skipping meals, she explained in an email to Health.
Extreme and abnormal behavior such as extreme listlessness, confusion, respiratory difficulty, and uncontrollable vomiting are all indications that you should see your doctor.
Anecdotally, many people who have adopted a dog who was rescued from a hoarding situation report abnormal behaviors.
This syndrome was first theorized by the psychologist Ira Turkat to describe a pattern of abnormal behavior during divorce.
This is more common after the age of five, and other symptoms include abnormal behavior like pressing her head against you, bumping into doorways and other vision problems.
Coach your clients with diabetic cats to watch for abnormal behaviors associated with hypoglycemia.
New surveillance software, using complex algorithms, allows operators of CCTV to zero in on abnormal behavior.
A few clinical signs of portosystemic shunt include abnormal behavior after eating, pacing and aimless wandering, head pressed against the wall or constant rubbing of his head (the blood not being filtered causes ammonia buildup, which makes his head feel funny), and constant illnesses (since the liver is not filtering the blood, it causes toxicity in the blood, making your dog constantly ill).
He also hopes to learn more about whether there are different types of astrocytes that may contribute differently to feeding behavior, especially abnormal behavior.
Developmental psychopathology is just as interested in an individual who has not followed a normal development pattern but does not exhibit disorders as it is in an individual who exhibits abnormal behavior because of developmental deviations.
The disease attacks a bat's skin, and an infected bat often displays abnormal behavior, such as heading for the mouth of a cave in winter when it should be tucked away, safe and warm, far from the entrance.
That experiment suggests that the missing protein — and the resulting abnormal behavior of the mutants — was to blame for their littermates» abnormal actions.
The first stage, known as the aura or prodromal stage, is a brief period of abnormal behavior before the seizure.
I. Borderline personality disorder (BPD), also known as emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD), is a long - term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by unstable.
Abnormal behavior provides clues into what is likely to happen next, even if the timing is difficult.
Your avian vet should help you review your cage setup to help ensure that you're providing an appropriate environment, help you understand normal versus abnormal behavior so that you'll know when to be concerned, and teach you about common diseases, so that you'll know what signs to look for before these conditions progress.
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