Sentences with phrase «abnormal behavior in your dog»

It is up to you to watch out for abnormal behavior in your dog.
Abnormal behavior in dogs can have a variety of medical causes, and one might be sub-optimal thyroid function.
While this abnormal behavior in dogs and cats can have a variety of medical causes, it also can reflect underlying problems of a psychological nature.
77 No. 10, October 1992 Abnormal behavior in dogs can have a variety of medical causes; it also can reflect underlying problems of a psychological nature.
This stage focuses on identifying different breeds of dogs and cats, recognizing normal and abnormal behavior in dogs and cats, identifying common diseases and medical conditions, and properly caring for the hospitalized patient in your charge.

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Young puppies isolated from their littermates during this interval frequently have difficulty, later in life, socializing with other dogs and may show abnormal sexual behavior as adults.
As a dog behaviorist, I am an expert in helping dogs that have abnormal repetitive behaviors, emotional disturbances (aggression, anxiety, fearfulness, panicking, depression, and often involves digging out medical reasons for behavioral problems), and a wide variety of stress related behaviors.
A few clinical signs of portosystemic shunt include abnormal behavior after eating, pacing and aimless wandering, head pressed against the wall or constant rubbing of his head (the blood not being filtered causes ammonia buildup, which makes his head feel funny), and constant illnesses (since the liver is not filtering the blood, it causes toxicity in the blood, making your dog constantly ill).
Any contact with wild animals acting in an abnormal behavior, including stray or feral cats or dogs, increases the risk.
Additionally, research shows that dogs and cats who are provided more space are less likely to engage in repetitive abnormal behaviors, such as pacing or excessive self - grooming.
Many dog trainers and veterinarians are often not experienced or educated enough to distinguish whether a dog's behavior is normal (but rarely seen unless the dog is put in certain situations), abnormal or idiopathic.
So in this case the owner should investigate the reasons for biting, because it is not typical for non-aggressive dog to perform this abnormal behavior.
Aggression also isn't abnormal, and plays an important part in the behavior set of all dogs, from protecting territory, to protecting their puppies, to protecting other dogs in their pack, to protecting kids, to protecting you, to protecting themselves.
Behavior modification (in the form of both operant and classical conditioning, as well as non-associative learning) is crucial to the treatment of many dogs exhibiting an abnormal or undesirable stress or fight - flight - freeze response.
Owners of dogs with separation anxiety report a range of abnormal behaviors engaged in by their pets when they are not present.
• The results showed a broad range of abnormal behavioral and psychological characteristics in the former breeding dogs from large - scale commercial breeding establishments, including: significantly elevated levels of fears and phobias, pronounced compulsive and repetitive behaviors such as spinning in tight circles and pacing, house soiling, and a heightened sensitivity to being touched and picked up.
I also encourage owners to keep a log of the abnormal behavior that the dog shows and notify their veterinarian immediately if any deterioration in the pet's condition is noticed.
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