Sentences with phrase «abnormal chromosomes»

"Abnormal chromosomes" refers to a condition where the chromosomes in cells are not normal or healthy. Chromosomes are like the cell's instruction manual, and when they are abnormal, it can cause problems in how the body develops and functions. Full definition
It wasn't extensive, but included single and double - strand breaks in DNA, and abnormal chromosome doubling in some cells.
Embryos can also be affected by complex combinations of abnormal chromosomes, and even contain an extra entire set of chromosomes (triploidy).
In this respect, the new work echoes the speculation by Boveri over a century ago linking abnormal chromosome number with an imbalance between pro- and anti-proliferative signals in cells.
High DDT and PCB exposure during adolescence and adulthood is associated with abnormal chromosomes in sperm
Poorer quality embryos and those with chaotic, abnormal chromosome rearrangements are unable to do this properly and stop dividing.
Abnormal chromosome ends can stimulate DNA repair mechanisms and trigger cell death, while one of the roles telomeres play is to ensure a normal cell cycle.
As cell division proceeds and the sister chromatids are pulled to opposite poles of the cell, the presence of these extra cohesion sites leads to abnormal chromosome stretching as it is harder to «unglue» the chromatids.
«The authors went on to study the resulting blastocysts for aneuploidy (frequency of abnormal chromosomes), and pattern of gene expression (which genes are active and at what level).
Errors in meiosis can result in abnormal chromosome numbers / aneuploidy (Down Syndrome), pregnancy loss, poor oocyte quality and infertility.
Most miscarriages are due to an abnormal chromosome lineup, which can't be controlled.
«When we started this work, I was initially interested in understanding how the «glue» was loaded onto these abnormal chromosomes.
Ever since Boveri's era, it's been known that cells in most cancers — 90 % of solid tumors and 75 % of blood cancers — have abnormal chromosome numbers.
Importantly, mutant mice lacking these amino acids have abnormal chromosome numbers and form tumors at high frequency.
In 1914, German biologist Theodor Boveri postulated that abnormal chromosome number, or aneuploidy, might be a root cause of cancer.
This is a cancer in which an abnormal chromosome, called the Philadelphia chromosome, produces too many white blood cells.
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