Sentences with phrase «abnormal immune reaction»

Researchers at the Munich site of the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) and the hospital of the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) Munich have now found an early immune response in individuals with a genetic predisposition to Alzheimer's: their brain's showed abnormal immune reactions as early as about seven years before the expected onset of dementia.
Humans can suffer from Celiac disease, which is an intolerance and abnormal immune reaction people have to a specific protein in gluten.
A true allergy is an abnormal immune reaction to a generally harmless substance and a true allergy will only affect about 1 - 2 % of the population!
The skin condition, which is caused by an abnormal immune reaction that results in dry, red, cracked patches of skin, is only made worse by itching.
Unlike atopic dermatitis, a chronic form of eczema that is thought to be caused by an abnormal immune reaction, seborrheic dermatitis doesn't usually cause severe itching.
Although experts don't know exactly what causes this skin condition, most believe a combination of a person's genetics and environment play a role in an abnormal immune reaction that affects the skin.
Both chronic and serious, these conditions are triggered by an abnormal immune reaction that can lead to diarrhea, abdominal cramps, rectal bleeding, fever, joint pain, loss of appetite, and fatigue, not to mention fistulas and serious complications that can require surgery to remove the colon.
Celiac disease is a digestive disorder caused by an abnormal immune reaction to gluten.
Clinical Background Tolerance is the normal immune response to the food an individual eats over a lifetime.1 A food allergy is an abnormal immune reaction consisting of hypersensitivity to food components, most commonly proteins.2, 3 Allergic reactions to dietary antigens can be immediate or delayed and the rate and types of reaction indicate different immune responses.
While there are various influences that can cause an abnormal immune reaction to food, leaky gut syndrome is one of the main causes of food sensitivities.
About 1 % of people in the U.S. are sensitive to gluten due to celiac disease — an abnormal immune reaction to gliadin, a component of gluten.
An abnormal immune reaction of the body against the muscle is known as immune - mediated myositis.
It's caused by an abnormal immune reaction to infections by the group A Streptococcus bacterium (that causes strep throat and skin sores).
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