Sentences with phrase «abnormal motion»

If the intervertebral discs do become damaged, the joints between them become less stable, resulting in abnormal motion.
These tests can confirm abnormal motion within the knee consistent with rupture of the CrCL.
Pain results from acute inflammation as well as abnormal motion in the joint during weight bearing movement.
The surgeon inspects the joint, removing fragments of the ruptured ligament and repairing the menisci if needed, then fashions an artificial ligament to stabilize the joint and prevent abnormal motion.
Chiropractic care focuses on abnormal motion between the individual vertebra and the effect that has on the surrounding tissues.
If the intervertebral discs become damaged, the joints between them become less stable, resulting in abnormal motion.
Bunions are caused by faulty foot mechanics that affect the way you walk: Years of abnormal motion and pressure on the big - toe joint forces the big toe to tilt in toward the second toe.
When the vertebral joints lose proper positioning and alignment, it leads to abnormal motion and movement, which affects how the brain communicates with the body and alters the firing pattern in the central nervous system.
This abnormal motion of the mitral valve partially obstructs the outflow of blood from the left ventricle into the aorta, resulting in a heart murmur which can be heard by your veterinarian with a stethoscope during your pet's physical examination.
The abnormal motion of the hip stretches the fibrous joint capsule and ligament connecting the head of the femur to the pelvis, producing pain and lameness.
Tearing this ligament causes instability in the knee joint that allows an abnormal motion leading to debilitating arthritis over time.
Additionally, this abnormal motion frequently damages the cartilage pads in the joint, known as the menisci.
Your veterinarian will also be exploring and evaluating the «feel» of the end range of this abnormal motion.
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