Sentences with phrase «abnormal presentation»

In this form of abnormal presentation, a child's head emerges from the birth canal, but one of their shoulders remains stuck behind the mother's pelvis.
Review: onset of schizophrenia before 22 years of age is associated with abnormal presentation at birth and complicated caesarean birth
An article in the Journal of Maternal Fetal Neonatal Medicine indicates that «difficult deliveries with abnormal presentation,» most often breech presentation in which the baby's head becomes trapped, are the primary causes for these serious injuries.
Abnormal presentations can compromise umbilical blood flow or cause your baby's head or shoulder to lodge against your pubic bone.
In any patient, the Cesarean section rate for twins is MUCH higher than for singletons, secondary to increased rates of need for induction and abnormal presentation.
I would not think of the abnormal presentations, hemorrhages, obstructions, retained afterbirths, blood poisonings, convulsions, milk legs, and childbed fevers.
Dystocia in mares is due to abnormal presentation or posture, where a compromised fetus often is not properly positioned in the pelvic canal.
indicates that «difficult deliveries with abnormal presentation,» most often breech presentation in which the baby's head becomes trapped, are the primary causes for these serious injuries.
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