Sentences with phrase «abnormal rate of»

Alpha can also refer to the abnormal rate of return on a security or portfolio in excess of what would be predicted by an equilibrium model like CAPM.
Alpha is also often referred to as «excess return» or «abnormal rate of return.»
Alpha can also refer to the abnormal rate of return on a security or portfolio in excess of what would be predicted by an equilibrium model like CAPM.

Not exact matches

The company is partnering up with a group of clinicians at Stanford, as well as telemedicine vendor American Well, to test whether Apple Watch's heart rate sensor can detect abnormal heart rhythms in a cohort of patients, according to two people familiar.
For all the talk of abnormal times and changes in underlying economic fundamentals, the Fed is pinning its hopes on a very conventional premise — that the U.S. consumer will keep spending at recent strong rates, encouraged by low unemployment and the apparent beginnings of higher wages.
This is a very abnormal setting of the rate; it was equivalent to the Fed holding its foot firmly on the accelerator.
Over the longer term, patients who knew they were being prayed for had a higher rate of post-operative complications like abnormal heart rhythms, perhaps because of the expectations the prayers created, the researchers suggested.
Children's stress rates improved, too: Their daily patterns of rising and falling levels of cortisol, a key stress hormone, were no longer abnormal, as is often the case with children in the high - stress situation that is foster care.
The Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act (2012) requires the Department of Education to develop and post on their websites guidelines and other relevant materials to inform and educate students participating in or desiring to participate in an athletic activity, their parents and their coaches about the nature and warning signs of sudden cardiac arrest, including the risks associated with continuing to play or practice after experiencing one or more symptoms of sudden cardiac arrest, including fainting, difficulty breathing, chest pains, dizziness and abnormal racing heart rate.
But there are plenty of indirect studies that show that women who report using condoms «always» have lower rates of abnormal paps and genital warts.
Referrals to craniofacial centers for evaluation of deformational plagiocephaly and brachycephaly are increasing.8 This increase in deformations has been temporally linked to the Back to Sleep program advanced by the American Academy of Pediatrics in 1992 that advises the avoidance of the prone sleeping position as a method of reducing the rates of sudden infant death syndrome.10,, 12,13 There is a delay in early gross motor milestones in children forced to sleep supine but these delays seem transient and have not been linked as yet to any longer term problems.14 Children who are encouraged to sleep on their backs and develop abnormal head shapes as a result are a different population than children who spontaneously restricted their movement in bed for one reason or another.
Nearly a third of women who planned and started their labours at home ended up being transferred as complications arose — including for instance an abnormal fetal heart rate, or if the mother required more effective pain relief in the form of an epidural.
The most common indications for primary cesarean delivery include, in order of frequency, labor dystocia, abnormal or indeterminate (formerly, nonreassuring) fetal heart rate tracing, fetal malpresentation, multiple gestation, and suspected fetal macrosomia.
Although labor arrest and abnormal or indeterminate fetal heart rate tracing are the most common indications for primary cesarean delivery, less common indications ---- such as fetal malpresentation, suspected macrosomia, multiple gestation, and maternal infection (eg, herpes simplex virus)---- account for tens of thousands of cesarean deliveries in the United States annually.
In any patient, the Cesarean section rate for twins is MUCH higher than for singletons, secondary to increased rates of need for induction and abnormal presentation.
By defining deviation from the average rate of dilatation as pathologic, it tells the 40 percent of women who have augmentations that they are abnormal Davis - Floyd (1992), and others describe and document the damage done by Western birth rituals that teach women to believe they are defective mechanisms from which their babies will be rescued by technology.
In 2004, Looy and her former Ph.D. advisor Henk Visscher proposed one way this might have played out, bases on fossilized abnormal plant spores found worldwide: volcanic gases — halocarbons like methyl chloride and methyl bromide — destroyed much or all of Earth's ozone layer, boosting UV - B exposure that would have affected life and potentially increased the genetic mutation rates in pollen and spores of plants worldwide.
Animal experiments revealed that mice carrying a mutated SCN8A gene had reduced heart rate compared with their healthy littermates, and that administration of caffeine produced an abnormal heart rhythm known as accelerated idioventricular rhythm.
Using RNA sequencing, the researchers found multiple genes whose abnormal expression could lead to the high rate of death for cloned embryos, including failure to implant in the uterus and failure to develop a normal placenta.
The analysis provides estimates of counts, rates and trends measured against the American Heart Association metric for cardiovascular health for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, obesity, abnormal blood glucose level, and diabetes.
Men with higher levels of DDE — a breakdown product of the pesticide DDT — and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which were used in transistors and electronics, at 14 years old had higher rates of abnormal sperm.
A major problem in treating obesity is the high rate of relapse to abnormal food - taking habits after maintaining an energy balanced diet.
Arising from the abnormal buildup of a protein known as alpha - synuclein in the brain, such conditions damage the nerves that control blood pressure and heart rate.
While late - term gestation was associated with an increase in the rate of abnormal conditions at birth and with worse physical outcomes during childhood, it was also associated with better performance on all three measures of school - based cognitive functioning measures during childhood,» the study concludes.
Aberrant DNA methylation, or abnormal methylation, has been associated with an increased rate of malignancy.
Among patients with untreated paroxysmal (intermittent) atrial fibrillation (AF), treatment with electrical energy (radiofrequency ablation) resulted in a lower rate of abnormal atrial rhythms and episodes of AF, according to a study in the February 19 issue of JAMA.
By blocking the potassium channels researchers were able to slow down the heart rate and counteract the dangerous effects of the abnormal rhythm.
In cells from sick hearts, these channels often don't inactivate properly, allowing for excess sodium entry and a build - up of calcium, which ultimately promotes abnormal heart rate (arrhythmia) and symptoms of heart failure.
The device is a pacemaker with a tiny generator and a sensing lead, but instead of using electrical pulses to control abnormal heart rate, the device uses two wires to stimulate the tongue.
Researchers and clinicians have known for many years that different racial and ethnic populations get diseases at different rates, respond differently to medications, and show very different results on standard clinical tests: «For a whole range of medical tests, whether your physician is told that your lab result is normal or abnormal depends entirely on the race / ethnicity box that you tick on an intake form,» Zaitlen said.
Patients with the syndrome can experience rapid abnormal heart rates when electricity bypasses the normal electrical system of the heart and uses the extra pathway.
Patients with ME / CFS experience a profound lack of energy, severe fatigue, along with a variety of other symptoms, including one or more of the following: muscle pain, headaches, gastrointestinal discomfort, difficulty concentrating, exacerbation of symptoms following exercise, abnormal regulation of blood pressure and heart rate, and unrefreshing sleep.
It is already known that patients with multiple sclerosis have higher rates of depression than the general population and that symptoms of multiple sclerosis arise from an abnormal response of the body's immune system.
Fertility problems: Men with hypothyroidism have a higher rate of abnormal sperm and reduced sperm motility.
Clinical Background Tolerance is the normal immune response to the food an individual eats over a lifetime.1 A food allergy is an abnormal immune reaction consisting of hypersensitivity to food components, most commonly proteins.2, 3 Allergic reactions to dietary antigens can be immediate or delayed and the rate and types of reaction indicate different immune responses.
While the diagnostic criteria of POTS focuses on the abnormal heart rate increase upon standing, sufferers usually present with a wide set of symptoms beyond blood pressure and rate irregularities.
This is particularly true for those who are on certain types of medications or have preexisting heart conditions such as tachycardia, which is a prolonged elevated heart rate, or arrhythmia, which is an abnormal heart rhythm.
These may include abnormal growth patterns, hyperactivity, insomnia, loss of appetite, taste or smell, anemia, low fertility rates, skin rashes or high blood pressure.
The researchers at the University of Utah found that, with the amount of added sugar many Americans eat, female mice died at twice the rate, and male mice exhibit abnormal behavior and don't reproduce.
Based on an analysis of bowel symptoms recorded using the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale, researchers reported that despite the use of a gluten free diet — universally indicated for coeliac disease (CD)-- a proportion of their cohort still presented with «persistent symptoms» and it is within this cohort they were aiming to see whether: «abnormal intestinal microbiota may be associated with persisting gastrointestinal symptoms in treated celiac disease patients... [found] higher relative abundance of Proteobacteria and a lower abundance of Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes.»
It is one more example of Hollywood at its most cynical — an R - rated movie made for 13 - and 14 - year - old boys, filled with acts and activities that would earn the screenwriter a Ph.D. in abnormal psychology, if anyone would admit to having thought these things up.
Just like my doctor would ask me to run on a treadmill to test for any abnormal reaction in my heart rate, stress testing a portfolio can reveal scenarios that might elicit a dramatic response, helping us prepare for a variety of market events.
But as we shift from what may be perceived as abnormal conditions to more normal conditions — when there is some degree of volatility and a higher interest - rate environment — we think the equilibrium between growth and value will also normalize.
It does not 1:1 apply to every individual person or item in the consumer basket; so no, it would be completely abnormal for every individual item in the consumer basket to experience the same rate of price change at the same time.
In their 2008 paper, professors Cooper, Gulen and Schill provided evidence that a firm's assets growth rates are strong predictors of future abnormal returns.
People are going to borrow more in this Goldilocks interest rate environment (where abnormal rates no longer reflect risk) and are forced to for RE when the effects of both Government policies and Central Bank monetary policies combine to cause real estate to «demand inflate».
An arrhythmia is an abnormal heart rate which could indicate a disease of the electrical conduction system of the heart.
In addition to annual heart tests, owner - monitoring of heart rate at home can reduce the need for costly hospitalizations for heart problems, as an adjustment in medication can often correct an abnormal rhythm before it progresses too severely.
The physical findings associated with poor heart function and the classical abnormal rate and rhythm of the heart are the main findings to prompt a diagnosis.
Heart rate is faster than normal in the tracing and premature contractions of the ventricles give the tracing an abnormal rhythm.
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