Sentences with phrase «abnormal structure»

While there is still a lot to be understood about Alzheimer's Disease, research has identified two abnormal structures in the brains of those with AD: amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles.
Ultrasound is often used to complement digital radiography and is invaluable in allowing us to obtain needle biopsies of abnormal structures within the internal organs.
Trimers and other abnormal structures appear to originate when the dimers fall apart.
Reduced metabolic activity of brain cells and neurons means less brain activity and a decreased ability of the brain to clear abnormal structures like the beta - amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease.
Abnormal turbulent blood flow can occur when blood passes across abnormal heart valves or across abnormal structures within the heart.
To confirm the diagnosis, a physician needs to rule out other movement disorders, and may order brain imaging studies such as MRI, CAT scan and cranial ultrasound to look at abnormal structures or damage indicative of cerebral palsy.
Intestinal lymphangiectasia has been identified as a cause of PLE in Yorkies in addition to abnormal structures in the intestinal mucosa referred to as crypt cysts.
The platelets showed an unusual size and shape, an abnormal structure and excessive vacuoles.
In many cases, they select regions of brain tissue that — in an MRI image, for example — appear to have an abnormal structure.
While looking at breast cancer cells under the microscope, pediatrician Alan D'Andrea of the Dana - Farber Cancer Institute in Boston realized their chromosomes form distinct, abnormal structures, like spokes on a wheel, also seen in cells from Fanconi patients.
Up to now, however, researchers could only speculate about how the abnormal structure of the cerebral cortex is linked at the molecular level to the occurrence of epilepsy.
«We wanted to find the link between the abnormal structure of synapses in the FXS mouse, and the behavioral abnormalities at the level of brain circuits; that had not been previously established,» said senior author Dr. Carlos Portera - Cailliau, an associate professor in the departments of neurology and neurobiology.
They may be used to understand normal or abnormal structure and function or determine the efficacy of treatments where no other suitable animal models exist.
Hip dysplasia is a condition in which the hip joints develop an abnormal structure, which can cause discomfort and movement problems.
Even if your avian veterinarian confirms an abnormal structure or bowel function with these tests, a definitive diagnosis of PDD can not be made.
It is thought that disease results from the combination of an abnormal gene (causing an abnormal structure of the SAA protein), and also infectious or environmental factors that cause systemic inflammation and so increase the production of this protein in affected cats.
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