Sentences with phrase «abolitionist groups»

Then I wonder why all the abolitionist groups were Christian and all of the pro slavers were Atheist and non religious.
The Second Great Awakening caused a proliferation of abolitionist groups that worked to end slavery in the U.S. around the time of the Civil War.

Not exact matches

The group was also responsible for arranging the New England tour of the most prominent feminist abolitionists of the era, Sarah and Angelina Grimke.
One of the early peace groups to draw a connection between feminism and peace was the Garrisonian wing, of the New England Non-Resistance Society in the 1830s, including among its members such prominent early abolitionist - feminists as Maria Weston Chapman, Lucretia Mott and William Lloyd Garrison himself.
Two groups — the abolitionist Wesleyan Methodists (1843) and the ethically «rigorist» Free Methodists (1860)-- split from Methodism and adopted «perfectionist» planks.
Eleven prisoners died of cancer from 2010 through 2013, and six others have been diagnosed with cancer at the State Correctional Institution Fayette, said the report, released by the Abolitionist Law Center, a public interest law firm based in Pittsburgh, and the Human Rights Coalition, a national prison reform group.
And, while servers at such restaurants hardly reached the top income group, they were not the menial, low - income workers the tipping abolitionists suggest.
The «American Colonization Society» was supported by two very different groups: abolitionists who wanted to free African slaves and their descendants and «repatriate» them, and slave owners who feared free people of color and wanted to expel them from America.
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