Sentences with phrase «abort system»

To cancel or abort system shutdown or restart, open Command Prompt, type shutdown / a within the time - out period and hit Enter.
The / a argument will abort a system shutdown and can only be used during the time - out period.
They'll also monitor how different components, such as the launch abort system, separate from the crew module.
SpaceX plans to upgrade the Dragon by installing seats and a launch - abort system.
So far, NASA's efforts have centered mainly on sorting out the aerodynamics of the CEV and its rocket, along with a launch - abort system and a «service module» that stays attached to the CEV until shortly before reentry, providing it with power and propulsion.
Avionics, guidance, abort systems, and other basics from Ares could be repackaged, «even if the overall system looks quite different,» he says.
The intent is the same as the abort systems used by Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo (usually referred to as «escape towers») although the Dragon design is different.

Not exact matches

The nervous system doesn't develop until the third trimester, and it's already illegal to abort after that point in the US.
2) blood type has nothing to do with how the child develops, outside the odd occurance of the RH factors being different and the mother's body (created by god according to you) attempts to abort the foriegn body (fetus) because it doesn't blend in with the mother's defence systems.
Aborted viral DNA fragments are quickly removed during infection by cell - free HIV particles, so they are not detected by the cell's defensive system.
On Apollo 13, the aborted mission to the Moon, astronaut Fred Haise became feverish through infection by the bacterium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which rarely poses a problem on Earth unless the host has a suppressed immune system.
This suggests that van Andel - Schipper had a superior system for repairing or aborting harmfully mutated cells (Genome Research,
Before I tried «the system», but had to abort mission because of lack of strength.
Related, the NCTQ advance a set of non-at-all-research-based claims that «there has been some good progress on connecting the dots in the states, [but] unless pay scales change [to increase merit pay initiatives, abort traditional salary schedules, and abandon traditional bonus pay systems, which research also does not support], evaluation is only going to be a feedback tool [also currently false] when it could be so much more [also currently false]» (p. vi).
Pregnant pets can spontaneously abort their young if they're given steroids, and dogs under six months of age shouldn't have steroids because their immune systems aren't fully developed.
New Tackling Fundamentals — A brand new slide tackle system gives you control of slide length and offers a chance to abort mid-tackle and get back in position.
In early July, one Dan Diebold posted a YouTube video showing an apparently functional prototype of the SNES CD, an aborted update of the famed Super Nintendo Entertainment System built in partnership between Nintendo and Sony.
However, almost immediately after its official launch, on November 1, 2017, Electroneum had to abort its launch and close access to its wallet system, as well as its website and app login.
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