Sentences with phrase «abortion decision»

It is not enough that a judge compromise himself by saying that he would, despite his personal views, support existing abortion decisions.
Writers will be contributing essays on major court cases, whether Lauren Groff on the landmark abortion decision Roe v. Wade or Salman Rushdie on the Pentagon Papers ruling, New York Times Co. v. United States.
The clearest example of a deliberate adoption of one value at the expense of another, a judicial resolution that continues to distort public choice and moral discourse, may be found in the 1973 abortion decision of Roe v. Wade.
From Nicole Brodeur's column, «Swedish Abortion Decision: How About Respect for Patients?»
Suffice it to say that I believe the morality of a given abortion decision is subject to the competing interests present in that particular situation (e.g. life of the mother, incest, ra - pe, severe defects, severe economic hardship to already existing siblings, etc, v. abortion as birth control, pure personal convenience, etc).
«Why,» I asked, «did you and so many other constitutional lawyers stop criticizing the Court's abortion decisions after most of you had been highly critical of Roe v. Wade?»
Then, in January 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court, in its Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton abortion decisions, drastically reversed this pattern of expanding inclusion.
At the same time, the author believes that Justice Thomas was less than entirely candid in his claim that he had not discussed with others his views on the merits of the Roe v. Wade abortion decision.
«This ruling, the most significant abortion decision in a generation, puts states on notice that they can not adopt restrictions that unduly burden or deny a woman's constitutional right to an abortion.»
Governor Andrew Cuomo's proposal to pass a constitutional amendment enshrining the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 abortion decision Roe versus Wade into New York's constitution, is not gaining much traction in the State Senate.
Said Staver: «That means the abortion decision, the same - sex marriage decision, all of those things that went the wrong way will ultimately be in the balance to be reversed.
From such a perspective he argues the now - famous claim that the abortion decision by the Supreme Court was a profoundly antipolitical act.
«[A] woman's control of her body» is what is at stake in the abortion decision.
Richards, David A. J. «Constitutional Privacy, Religious Disestablishment, and the Abortion Decisions,» in Jay L. Garfield and Patricia Hennessey, eds.
That seems to me the same issue as the abortion decision, except that the unborn child has a great deal longer to live if you don't press that particular button.
It discusses the fear that can be in the driving seat in an abortion decision and looks at the suppression and denial that frequently follow such a decision, both symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder which, thankfully, is increasingly recognised.
Despite assurances that the abortion decision did not start us down a slippery and very steep slope, that is clearly where we are, and gathering speed.
Lastman takes a brave look at the inner forum too: the violation of our conscience, the mental processing involved in making an abortion decision and the de-humanising language we often employ as a society to assuage our conscience.
«It is difficult to see,» my wife added, «that the decision in the imagined case of the comatose elderly man who in time will recover is different from the abortion decision
Patriotism demanded that the Germans submit, just as we are reminded that unless we submit to the ukase of the Court on the abortion decision, the Court's very legitimacy will come into doubt.
Is it possible that not a single Catholic bishop can see any ambiguity in any abortion decision?
Lack of a secure attachment in the first three years can not be easily corrected later, and it can be partly responsible part for all kinds of problems, from depression and bi-polar disorder to unhealthy choices in mates, inability to parent, even to poor sexual choices and abortion decisions, and difficulty experiencing intimacy with God.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo's proposal to pass an amendment enshrining the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 abortion decision Roe v. Wade into the state's constitution is not gaining much traction in the state Senate.
Governor Cuomo's proposal to pass a constitutional amendment enshrining the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 abortion decision Roe v. Wade into the state's constitution, is not gaining much traction in the state Senate.
Partly as a legacy of the way the abortion decisions came about in this country and the degree to which abortion is important in American politics, killing and destruction - of - life questions have come to be regarded as the bioethical questions, whether it's euthanasia at the end of life or abortion and embryo destruction at the beginning.
«Policymakers should not force communication at the time of pregnancy; instead they should focus on supporting family communication long before a pregnancy or abortion decision,» said Dr. Melissa Gilliam, Section Chief of the Section of Family Planning and Contraceptive Research at the University of Chicago and senior author on the study.
«There's a commonly accepted idea that teens will try to hide their pregnancy or abortion decision.
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