Sentences with phrase «abortion question»

Regardless of what you think about the abortion question, you have to admit that this is not the time to revisit that question.
And, now that I've said that, I will point out that this has absolutely nothing to do with the abortion question, and is merely a de-railment of the discussion of a woman's right to decide what takes place in her body.
When I discuss «women» in, say, the abortion question, I also wish to include people with uteruses who do not identify as women.
Professor Lawrence H. Tribe of the Harvard Law School, an ardent defender of abortion rights, at least recognized that the abortion question presents nothing less than a «clash of absolutes.»
Sunday marked the 39th anniversary of the decision, and the abortion question is anything but settled.
And though Biden has ruffled the feathers of church authorities on the abortion question, he is an observant Catholic who attends church regularly and met with Pope John Paul II four times.
Rather than overdetermining the abortion question as a question of science — and this,....
Rather than overdetermining the abortion question as a question of science — and this, given his blanket concessions to the prerogatives of scientific progress on related fronts, is revealing — Obama underdetermines it as a question of interpretation.
Certainly rationality is relevant to the abortion question.
The simple fact that these feelings exist demonstrates that the idea of love can not be dismissed as irrelevant to the abortion question.
Despite the timeliness of the abortion question, and the relevance and potency of Hartshorne's views, no scholarly work has been published on this area of his thought.
Finally, on the abortion question, ordinary Americans seem far less agitated than their elected representatives.
Certainly at the national level, but also in many states, it is at present the case that that party imposes a rigid demand of orthodoxy on the abortion question.
Interestingly, in September the Clinton Justice Department made some noises about possibly appointing some federal judges who are not on «the right side» of the abortion question.
♦ Never one to shrink from duty, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., took to the New York Times op - ed page to caution Roman Catholic bishops on the dangers of interfering with the way that politicians (i.e., Mario Cuomo) address the abortion question.
I am not really picking a fight with Pete Spiliakos, but have less hope on the matter of arguing the abortion question than he does.
Ziegler writes: «[F] or the better part of a decade after the Court's decision, the vast majority of lawyers, law professors, and grassroots activists in the antiabortion movement opposed efforts to strip the Court of its authority or to return the abortion question to democratic politics....
By the early eighties, however, evangelical Protestants had not only been alerted to the abortion question (largely through the work of the late Francis Schaeffer) but were indispensable in the leadership of the pro-life movement, which remains the case today.
In 1973, seven supremely fallible men in black robes purported to settle the abortion question.
But does he or First Things think the abortion question would die if Roe v. Wade were thrown out?
«Catholics — especially priests, religious, theologians and legislators, who publicly dissent from hierarchical statements and explore areas of moral and legal freedom on the abortion question — should not be penalized by their religious superiors, church employers or bishops.»
A NYC reader reports receiving a pro - Donovan / anti-Schneiderman poll call that tests the abortion question — one of the central issues of the Democrats» argument against the Staten Island DA in the AG's race.
To dwell on the abortion question is to either turn this into a drama or a far darker comedy than Apatow is quite obviously trying to make.
For example, persuasive essay can be devoted to the abortion question.
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