Sentences with phrase «about christianity with»

Incidentally, however, by comparing what he knows about Christianity with what he can learn about other religions, he can achieve a perspective by which to understand the uniqueness of the Christian tradition and to face up to the meaning of the Christian mission.

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«I have interviewed persons who have talked specifically with Glenn about his personal salvation - persons extremely well known in Christianity - and they have affirmed (using language evangelicals understand), «Glenn is saved,»» Garlow said in his memo, which was dated Wednesday.
Since young adults perceive evangelical Christianity to be... «unconcerned with social justice», it's a shame that more evangelical churches don't know about the Just Faith program, which provides «opportunities for individuals to study and be formed by the justice tradition articulated by the Scriptures, the Church's historical witness, theological inquiry and Church social teaching» (from
ARE YOU SERIOUS CNN????!!!! «Oh, Obama is more in touch with his faith...» GIVE ME A BREAK!!!! He has no idea what christianity is all about!
On this the penultimate day of the year, with just a few (too few, in my view) days to go until the Iowa caucuses (in which Ron Paul is a — not the — front - runner), it's worth spending a few moments thinking about the connection between libertartianism and Christianity.
Four years ago, I wrote about the case of Abdul Rahman, an Afghan convert to Christianity who was charged with apostasy (punishable by execution under Islamic law).
Please, any Christian, honestly answer the following: The completely absurd theory that all 7,000,000,000 human beings are simultaneously being supervised 24 hours a day, every day of their lives by an immortal, invisible being for the purposes of reward or punishment in the «afterlife» comes from the field of: (a) Astronomy; (b) Medicine; (c) Economics; or (d) Christianity You are about 70 % likely to believe the entire Universe began less than 10,000 years ago with only one man, one woman and a talking snake if you are a: (a) historian; (b) geologist; (c) NASA astronomer; or (d) Christian I have convinced myself that gay $ ex is a choice and not genetic, but then have no explanation as to why only gay people have $ exual urges.
I'm a Christian, and all too often I get upset with other Christians who believe that you have to wear your Christianity on your sleeve and constantly talk about it to others.
Most Christianity today is, in my opinion, not a religion that Jesus preached, but a religion made up about Jesus by various authorities, and as the cartoon points out, some still have a lot of issues with gender, sexism, sexuality, power and control.
I invite anyone with a curiosity about Christianity to read the first 5 books straight through and not just cherry picking as most Christians do.
I find it interesting that the apparent atheists who feel the need to make themselves feel better by criticizing the bible and Christianity with snide little comments would even waste their time reading a blog — about belief.
I agree with Candida Moss on the premise that martyrdom is NOT what helped Christianity spread but its message of kindness which is what the Love of God & Salvation are all about!!!
(A similar set of questions could be asked, mutatis mutandis, about Jewish involvement with Islam, a religion that also claims, although to a much lesser extent than Christianity, descent from Judaism.)
as with every other argument about christianity, if it really was only a belief it would be of no consequence, but unfortunately so many use their religious beliefs as an excuse to attempt to demand the rest of the population adhere to their beliefs by codifying them into civil law.
I said I AGREE with Christians knowing about Christianity and what the Bible says.
«Some other Asians are more concerned with businesses or finances, but Koreans care about religion and about Christianity
In many cases, the Gospel will shine brighter when you break down wrong assumptions about Christianity by having a beer with your neighbor.
I never have a problem with what people believe about Christianity until naysayers decide to make it their business to attach ill perceived beliefs to everyone who claims to be Christian.
Not to mention, for those of you who have a belief and has ur faith in Traditional Christianity (along with any other religion); YOU WILL SUFFER the 7 last plagues of God, due to the mark of the beast that is about to be enforced by a resurrected ROMAN EMPIRE that is arising now in Europe unless you can repent and turn to the ONE and ONLY TRUE GOD!
I SO appreciate your artwork, which says so much about your honest grappling with doubts about faith, humanity and Christianity.
If you want people to believe Christianity is about peace and love, then it starts with you.
But its Christianity, in large part, has been watered down and is at ease with basic secular premises about personal conduct and the meaning of life.
@ Catholic Mom before you talk you should reseach your beliefs cause in the 2nd council of Nicene they accepted that they could make Idols, that the 2nd commandment was talking about pegan gods lol... the only thing they did was bring Pagans beliefs and mixed it with Christianity....
Seems the objections raised by the author and most of the posts are framed with a lot of misconceptions about true Christianity.
Skytag: «If what Christianity teaches about God is true, why is it that only religions that share their roots with Christianity (such as Judaism) have anything significant in common with it?
The Ashers case (Belfast) is n interesting one with different views about it being expressed within Christianity.
All the modern issues about Christianity, whether you hate it, embrace it or are struggling through it come down to what we do with our self will.
Christianity isn't about morals... it's about having a relationship with Jesus Christ... How a president is going to help me do that better?
But what then should Lutherans - and the rest of post-Reformation Christianity with them - do about sexuality?
Kirkpatrick, currently senior fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington, spoke with Christianity Today about how this underground railroad operates and the dire situation inside North Korea.
Christianity is about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, but doesn't necessarily have outward expressions (though, admittedly, it should — such as good works, kindness, meekness, gentleness, but unfortunately, many do not display these as well as they should).
I write candidly about doubts about Christianity and my frustrations with current expressions of evangelicalism.
Lian Xi, a professor of world Christianity at Duke Divinity School, has written extensively about China's modern encounter with Christianity.
Finally, Premier Christianity is about helping you go deeper with God.
Ever since her story was featured in Christianity Today nearly a year ago, Butterfield has become something of a celebrity within the conservative evangelical world, and every time I'm in conversation with someone about the potential dangers of «conversion therapy» (which seeks to change a person's sexual orientation through counseling and prayer), her name invariably comes up.
Questions also are raised about the identity of the church that plays such a major role in the Radical Orthodox account of history, about whether there is a doctrine of providence implicit in it, about the dismissal or ignoring of Protestantism, about the role of Jesus in its Christianity, about the role of Socrates in its Platonism, about its failure to engage with the challenge of modern scientific and technological developments, about how other faith traditions are related to this version of faith, and about whether this is a habitable orthodoxy for ordinary life.
Yet such as it is — and the more certainly so, the more clearly we recognize just what the book is — it remains an extremely valuable document of primitive Western Christianity; though it by no means provides us with all we wish to know about the life and teaching of our Lord, or the life and teaching, activities, and beliefs, of the early church.
To say there is no evidence for the real existence of the most discussed figure in history denies the unique manner in which Christianity came about (a claim that God came in the flesh conveyed with real life details, etc).
American Jesus, or the temple in Jesus» time, Christianity in the times of the Roman Empire post the conversion of Constantine, the Crusades in the middle ages, the British Empire oh and any presidential candidate claiming they are a Christian and being vociferous about bombing foreign countries that don't comply with American hegemony perhaps.
So have a good think about how preposterous scientology and mormonism sound to you, and know that christianity is just the same thing with a bigger head start.
Christianity is about 500 years older than Isam, and Judaism is much, much older than Christianity, and yet, with just a little reading one finds that though each religion has its own holy men, many of those who are revered as prophets or knowledgeable men are the same person.
As a spiritual person I am also (in not even a remote way) rejecting the idea of the afterlife, however I am rejecting most ideas as written in scripture since IMO scripture has very little to do with the true msg of Christ or the true msg Christianity once was about.
I know a lot of Christians who are loving, tolerant, people, these folks weren't, and their attitude caused me to re-examine a lot of spiritual things, and to deal with a lot of my questions about Christianity, which I've always had.
I fell in love with Christianity because I thought it was a religion about love.
I am sure many Christians may be unhappy with your conclusions about Christianity being one long lasting money making scheme.
For our purposes, the most satisfactory definition would be: Christianity is the total life of the community of men and women who respond to what they know about God — along with their neighbors, who are caught up into the social movement or process we call «the church» (however this may be understood)-- in terms of the socially remembered event of Jesus Christ.
Christianity starts with a tremendous notion about the world, and this notion is not derived from a metaphysical doctrine, but rather from our comprehension of the sayings and actions of Christ.
I identify with hipster Christianity's interest in social justice and thinking about how the church is meant to be for the world (i.e. the Gospel as positive, transformative power) as opposed to against it.
• Fact # 9: I taught at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary early this year and spent some time with the President, Byron Klaus — who is a Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary graduate and keeps up with (and says good things about) his friend Paige Patterson, whose seminary has taken a position against some practices associated with Pentecostal Christianity.
Most mainline churches have little sympathy with this talk about end - times, whether it comes from the fundamentalists or from those who warn of the end of conventional Christianity.
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