Sentences with phrase «about goldilocks»

When the word search puzzle is complete, read the remaining letters left to right, top to bottom, to learn an interesting fact about the Goldilocks fairy tale.
I sound like I'm talking about Goldilocks, but you really need to try more than a few pencils before you find the perfect one!
How about goldilocks and the three bears — husband, baby, and baby's bear?
How about Goldilocks or Little Red Riding Hood?

Not exact matches

Ajit Vijay Joshi, fund manager at Goldilocks Investment, talks to CNBC about the disagreement with Noble Group.
By making such adjustments and periodically re-visiting a retirement income calculator throughout retirement with updated information about your savings balance and planned withdrawals, you should be able to get a sense of whether you're spending down your nest egg at a «Goldilocks» pace, i.e., not too fast but not too slow.
They worried about complacency, implying that the Goldilocks - like environment that enveloped markets was a recipe for disaster.
In November 2007, Trump's new Chief Economic Advisor, Larry «Señor Snort» Kudlow wrote an article about the economy titled, «Three More Years of Goldilocks» for which he should receive the Darwin Award (credit goes to @RudyHavenstein for posting the article).
That might get in the way of the Goldilocks theme in the coming weeks, but we don't have strong directional expectations about the economy at present, and we don't observe markers of recession as yet.
So you can see I'm as particular about my brownie as Goldilocks was about her porridge!
Jim Malatras, a former top Cuomo aide and president of the Rockefeller Institute of Government, penned an OpEd about Cuomo's budget proposal using «Goldilocks and the Three Bears» as a vehicle.
Work to identify the «habitable zones» in which such planets might exist has turned up some startling insights — not just about them, but also our own planet (see «Goodbye, Goldilocks: is life on Earth heading for an earlier demise?
So in recent years, fuel cell researchers have pursued a Goldilocks strategy, looking for midrange temperature fuel cells that operate at about 500 °C.
For decades, thinking about the best way to search for extraterrestrials has centered on a «Goldilocks» zone where temperatures are «just right» for liquid water, a key ingredient for life, to wet the surface of an Earth doppelgänger.
Goldilocks was right about the temperature of porridge.
Anything outside that range, which tends to occur on planets that are in a «Goldilocks zone» of 102 million to 140 million miles away from their stars (Earth is about 93 million miles away from the sun), could be devastating for life as we know it.
They found the standard star has about two planets in the so - called Goldilocks zone, the distance from the star where liquid water, crucial for life, can exist.
The planet dubbed «HD 40307 g» is located about 44 light years away in the Goldilocks Zone of a sun - an area around a sun or star, where water can exist without evaporating due to heat, according to University of Göttingen astrophysics researcher Guillem Anglada - Escudé.
One of the few things we know about Proxima b, besides that it is a rocky planet with a mass 1.3 times that of Earth, is that its orbit is in the so - called «Goldilocks zone» of its sun: not too hot nor too cold for liquid water, making it a potential host for life — alien, human or both.
Like Goldilocks in the fairy tale, schools are currently unsure about what is the right sized budget for their specific needs.
; Choosing a Goal; Friction; Motivation Havit Worksheet; The Goldilocks Rule; What to do About Obstacles and My Goal Chart.
Another way to help students choose an appropriate book is to teach them about the «Goldilocks» strategy (Routman, 2003).
Not much about the CR - V will excite Goldilocks» inner Danica Patrick, but when it comes to an extremely usable, dependable, and very well put - together compact crossover, this porridge's lack of spice means it'll appeal to many and offend very few.
Twenty years ago, come to think of it, the original CR - V was about the size of this new HR - V — which slots all Goldilocks - like between that and the Fit.
GENEVA — BMW has proven that it will explore just about any niche that it can in order to deliver to its drivers that Goldilocks car configuration, but the newly unveiled BMW 4 Series Gran Coupe has me wondering if the automaker isn't just messing with us.
And this leads to FFXV's most contentious or controversial game design of all — FFXV is a «goldilocks» kind of game, or a «jack of all trades, master of none», perhaps brought about by almost a decade of development quagmire, shifting priorities and design philosophies.
Tall wood buildings are all the rage these days, but this TreeHugger has been wondering if we shouldn't be really be thinking differently about it, and instead of doing technical gymnastics to go tall, we should be concentrating on building for that «missing middle» as Daniel Parolek called it, or the Goldilocks Density, as I call it.
*** In yesterday's post we described Alan Finkel's report on Australia's power market fiasco as a mixture of Lewis Carroll's «Through the Looking - Glass» — residing in a place where the fundamentals of physics and economics, logic and reason are playfully and permanently suspended — and Goldilocks — the story about an infantile quest to make sure -LSB-...]
In this episode, Katrina Leung talks about her «Goldilocks» approach to law practice, which eventually led her to start her own practice, Intuos Law, then move into Clio headquarters for her office space.
There's also something a little bit rebellious about cryptocurrencies — not too much, but as Goldilocks discovered, there's just the right amount of non-conformity to make it appealing.
Today we'll be looking at the Goldilocks of the JBL Link speaker line, the JBL Link 300, which retails for $ 250 (# 250, about AU$ 318).
Looking past the fact that the owners of the house she finds are bears, and that technically Goldilocks is trespassing — there are some lessons we can learn about building a successful career.
Tell stories about good and bad decision - making «Do you think Goldilocks did the right thing going into the bears» house without being invited?»
Use stories to talk about wise and unwise choices (e.g., The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks, Little Red Riding Hood).
Maintaining that Goldilocks zone — not too hot, not too cold — is about more than personal comfort.
Like its regional economy, Philadelphia's real estate market has long had a «Goldilocks» quality about it: neither too hot nor too cold, it chugs along -LSB-...]
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